Comic Tract’s Responses

Six of us joined the crowds of visitors at the Grahamstown Arts festival to introduce people to the greatest Artist of all; Jesus!

The cartoon-type tracts we use for spreading the Gospel were so well-received that we kept getting enthusiastic responses;
— “Wow, these are awesome, what a cool way to present the message about Jesus!”
–“Yes, I know about these. I’m a Christian myself. My friend got one of these and he never wanted to hear about Jesus. But he told me that, after reading this, he’s now ready to listen.”
–“I’m a radio presenter here in Grahamstown and I’m reading these tracts on the radio. It’s a simple but powerful way to get the message across.”
–“I already have one. Oh, there are more different ones? I want to have the whole series” (we received this response over and over).
–“Oh, I’m so happy to meet you. I’ve been seeing so many people reading these and have been wondering where to get them!”

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