We spent a wonderful day at the rehabilitation center of the Lentegeur hospital this week. The event was organized by the staff and students of UCT and was a special time of fun and relaxation for the patients and their families. We were able to assist with food and snacks, games, and one-on-one interaction with the patients
The different games were tailored to the specific limitations of the para-and quadriplegic patients and it was thrilling to see the excitement and friendly competition that was all around. Patients, visitors and staff cheerfully competed in karaoke, board games, and other games and events.
Many participated in the blow-dart tournament and a few of the patients did very well indeed! As the crowd cheered and clapped the patients glowed with pride and the positive atmosphere was almost tangible.
Buckets filled with sweets were placed in the middle of the hallway where patients tried to toss a tennis ball in them, receiving a sweet as a prize for every hit. Some patients went away with an entire lap full of sweeties; much to their delight!
Two of us organized the face-painting, which was a real hit. The ladies loved being painted as beautiful butterflies with sparkles and glitter, while the men were more interested in a springbok and sports motif. Whatever the design, everyone felt special and we couldn’t have asked for more.
We were also able to spend time with the patients personally, laughing, (and sometimes crying) and were so touched by their earnest humility in accepting their situation, however difficult. In the end, we felt that it was the patients that were teaching us and blessing us with their example; not the other way around.
We were left with a profound gratitude for the many blessings we receive in our lives, not the least of which being good health. At the same time we were grateful to have had the opportunity to be able to share a kind word, a meal, some games, and a wonderful day with these very special people.