Limited movement, speech, sight, and the inability to care for oneself in any way: the dear patients of the Sive Nathi center face these issues every single day and rarely get a chance to have a change of pace or scenery. It is for this reason we committed to taking them -and the staff that so lovingly cares for them- on a special outing once again.
The scenery of the beautiful Helderberg Nature Reserve in Somerset West totally captivated these 40 children who spend most of their time bed-ridden. In spite of the extremely hot weather, we were blessed with shade under the trees and a cool breeze, which made the time so much more comfortable!
In these photos we’d like to share with you the thrill it was to see their faces light up with enjoyment over things as simple as a colourful balloon or some bubbles; to share with them some special treats like cake and custard or some fruit yogurt (only soft foods can be given).
As we held, played with, and laughed with them, noticing their reactions to simple joys and pleasures, we began to truly re-appreciate all our own blessings! A heart-felt thank you to the volunteers and sponsors who made this event a success. It was a wonderful day, in every way!