At another community initiative, Mike helped teach the staff how to play a recently acquired educational board game, which they will be using for game nights and activities for the youth. This will help to keep them off the streets and occupied with positive input.
(From Mike)
I was in the area to contact the man who runs the mobile library we recently assisted. A friend had asked us to approach him with the idea of starting a soup kitchen there. Finding the library closed, I saw the community centre just next door and figured they might have his contact details. I drove in, introduced myself and asked if they had T’s cell phone number. Thankfully, they did! As I was turning to leave, my eyes espied upon one of my family’s favorite board game, Settlers of Catan, sitting there brand new! Excitedly, I asked how in the world did they acquire this. To the best of my knowledge, this game is only played in America.
He laughed, and said: “Thank God you know it! Nobody here knows how to play this game! We asked the man who ordered the game for our province to please set up a workshop so we can be taught how to play the game, but he won’t be coming for months! Would you be willing to teach us instead, and lead the workshop?” I said that I’d love to, and would see them Friday afternoon and teach them all how to play it!”
Friday afternoon was cold, windy, and pouring rain. Miserable. But inside, as the workshop was underway, side-splitting laughter, tears of delight, and the occasional whoop of triumph were heard. Everyone was picking up the game quickly, and we had a great time. I’m pretty sure the Lord worked it out just so to have the library closed on the day I happened to drive by, because He knew I needed to meet these community leaders and lend them a helping hand. It was a pleasure and a privilege to spend time with these wonderful people, and I’ll never forget it.