“Jesus Loves You!” – Gifts from France and Italy

Jean, Kristina, and their children in France got the idea to make a special gift for each child at our Sunday School in Morningstar settlement off the N7 highway. They got a lot of white tshirts, and handpainted each one with the wonderful message “Jesus Loves you!” And on the back “with love from France.” How lovely! And it didn’t stop there. Some of their relatives in Italy heard about the project, and got involved! So in the end, 40 brand new handpainted tshirts, from both France and Italy, made their way with Kristina down here for her brief visit. Yesterday, she was able to personally greet the children, explain the whole background of where the tshirts came from, and then have each child come get a shirt in their size! So many smiles, and so much joy! Then we sang Gospel action songs with them, including their old favorite “Jesus Loves Me”, played some games together, and ended the amazing time together with yummy nut bars for all! Thank you Jesus for these precious children, getting closer to Him week by week, and a huge thank you to Jean, Kristina, Rachael, Magali, and all their children who brought yet another reminder of Jesus’ Love to these little lives!