Met Sia on the street and started talking. He seemed distant at first and said he’s searching/puzzled as far as faith goes. Asked if I would come with him and talk more; ended up sitting at a cafe for a couple hours. Talked about his life, girlfriend, 7 month old son, his wife’s family not accepting him or his son, due to both of them being born via caesarean, which the church in his area teaches as being demonically influenced. Wants to build a structure of his own near where they are staying now (location) and he loves working with computers so is looking for opportunities.
We spoke about love and forgiveness, change and power to overcome through Jesus. After about an hour he prayed with me to accept Salvation. Then we spoke a while more, exchanged numbers, and I prayed for him for strength and wisdom. Also prayed that he could give up smoking (a recently acquired habit due to family stress)
Amy and I were handing out tracts and as we approached a PEP store she went in to get a treat for one of our kids back in Cape Town. So I continued to distribute the tracts outside. Then I came in the entrance while she waited in the queue. The there was a man who did the same thing waiting for his wife. He found himself a seat and started reading the Colour of Love tract out loud which he’d gotten from us outside. Everyone at the cash desk could hear him. He paused and looked at me for help as he tried to quote Jn 3:16. I then helped him by quoting it. And later on he came to us again asking for a couple more tracts for the ladies inside who wanted their own. He got so excited and said, ” I was preaching in there and now they want some too!”.
I met Emmanuel last year during the Arts Festival when he gave his heart to Jesus. We where able to meet this year again. He asked deep questions about God allowing suffering like the people in Mozambique from the recent hurricane and if they will still get a chance to receive Jesus. Amy and I were able to encourage him as he tragically lost a friend during the flooding. We also started discussing the Endtime as in the book of Revelations, Daniel etc. His question was, “Why do you believe in the Endtime?”. We and he had run out of time so we promised to meet the next day. Amy, Chris and I met him on the campus green where we were able to give an in depth Matthew 24 class taking turns with him reading every couple of verses and discussing them. Emmanuel had so many in depth and practical questions to go with it that we ended up launching to all kinds of day to day topics. It was wonderful to be able to share the Word in this way and we felt so blessed to have had such a full heritage of the Word in our lives. He said that he still has the Bible we gave to him when he got saved and the photo we took together. We then gave him his very own set of Endtime books, which he was very happily surprised to receive.
I was handing out tracts on the street when a young man turned around and said: “Hey, dude! What is this?” I looked down and saw the title of what I handed him: “Peace & Safety.” Now below it is an illustration of a man with a magnifying glass scrutinizing a globe looking for an answer to the question: “Where is the safest place in the world?”
I looked at the young man, right in his eyes, and asked him: “So, where do you think is the safest place in the world?” And that’s how our conversation began. We discussed wealth and the appearance of security it brings. We spoke of lands where statistically there is less crime. We even talked about the safety of being in our own homes. I then asked him to turn the page of the pamphlet I gave him.
When he did, he burst out laughing: You see, the safest place in the world according to this piece of paper was a maximum prison cell in solitary confinement! Think about it: you have your food, clothing, and shelter take care of, and always someone is looking out for you.
So there you go: Peace and Safety. But NO ONE would choose that for the rest of their life! I told him: “Now, what we are actually looking for is three things: Peace, Safety, and Freedom. As you can see, we cannot have those things by only changing our external standards. So let’s look inside. We can try meditation, relaxing, and giving ourselves a sense of calm. But, let’s not delude ourselves. First of all, even if we could give ourselves a sense of peace from aforementioned practices, we would only feel that way while we are doing it. That means, the moment we stop, it’s gone, and we’ve lost it. We would have to spend the rest of our lives living in a trance-like state to feel calm. Which means we aren’t free to live because all of our time and effort is spent trying to have peace.”
“Let us even go further: Let us say we finally manage to surpass this first point, and are now able to walk around with a general sense of peace and safety. Within this wonderful space, we decide to cross the street during a green light. Why not? We feel peaceful and safe. But none of those feelings, however intently we wish them or how long we practice or will them to be true, will ever prevent an oncoming car with a distracted driver from smashing straight into us. It simply cannot do it. What we are then looking for is Real Peace, Real Safety, which will then in turn liberate us to live freely.”
Again, I looked at the young man, and said: “Now so far we’ve looked at the world. No answer. We’ve looked inside. Not good enough. What else are we to do? We must now look outside both of ourselves and this physical world. We must fix our gaze upon something beyond them, something otherworldly, something supernatural. I’m talking about God.”
I opened up the Bible app* on my phone and showed him the verse in John Chapter 14, verse 27:
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
Then I showed him John 8, verse 32:
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
I followed this one up by with:
“I am the way, the truth, and the light: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” John 14:6
My final Scripture was from the Psalmist in the beginning of Chapter 46, with the first three verses: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.”
I said: “Sir, I know you are a busy man, and that I’ve taken up a considerable amount of your time this morning. So I’ll cut right to the quick: Jesus has promised in his word to give you peace, safety, and freedom if you commit yourself to Him. Now I don’t want you to make a fast-and-quick decision, but in light of everything we discussed, would you consider giving your life to Christ? Would you sit down, think of the repercussions of everything it means to be a Christian, and make a choice on it, with the intent of following through in every area of your life? I will not lie: it is not always easy to follow Jesus. But I can promise you: in my life, it has always been worth it.”
This man looked right back at me, and said: “No, I don’t need more time. I will pray with you now. I will give my heart to Jesus, and will follow him.” With his friend standing as a witness, together we prayed a simple prayer. He accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, asking Him to show by His Word what he needed to do and where he needed to begin making changes in his life. He asked for the courage to persevere and to keep his promise.
When we finished I spoke to the friend, who turned out to be a Christian. I encouraged him to be his brother’s keeper, and that they need to help each other walk the path. I gave them my number, an Activated magazine, and told them to please contact me whenever they felt like it. We met as strangers, but parted as brothers. Praise God!
During our evening outreach I met two friends who work at the beer tent as runners and we spoke about Jesus as not only God and Lord but also Brother and Friend. Then we moved onto His unique Love for each person and how he loves us right now even as we are still sinners and and also will help us change into who we’re meant to be. I challenged them both to make the decision to pray with me, and the one said “yes, I’ll pray with you.” And his friend said “now”? Then the first friend encouraged him and said “cmon yes let’s do it.” So they both accepted Salvation! We spoke more for a while after and exchanged numbers. They said they’d like to chat on WhatsApp and stay in touch for sure.
Met M. at a coffee shop (I was so tired and felt like I had to have a coffee) and we got into an interesting conversation. I found out he co-owned the shop and is also into IT (like me) After a few minutes, he asked “so, what are you actually doing here in Grahamstown?” I pulled out my tracts from my jacket and explained how I’m a full-time missionary. I asked if he believed and he said yes, and then suddenly upon looking at the tracts he said “wait, I know these! My dad had one up on the wall of the shop for a long time!”
That was so awesome! We chatted a little more and then he said “wouldn’t you like to leave a stack of tracts here on the takeaway counter?” I eagerly agreed, and we parted ways. Later I felt like I should bring M. a “Who Cares” comic book with messages from Jesus, so a couple days later I went back with one for him. When I said “I have a few of these sponsored to give out and I thought you of all people would appreciate one” he interrupted me, almost grabbing the book from my hand and saying “Yah I would!” Then he said “You’ve been coming to the Arts Festival for quite a few years, right? When I affirmed that yes, we have been coming for 9 years, he said “yes, because every year I see people coming by with those tracts in hand, and I’ve been given a few too at different fests.” Ha! So it seems the job is getting done
I had a great talk with three guys whom I initially approached them as they were smoking weed and they said “hey man we’re smoking weed right now you sure you don’t mind?” and I said “I have no problem as long as you let me talk to you about Jesus” so we got into a conversation. the one guy’s a pastor’s son he said he figures he’s probably read the whole Bible and whenever he’s at home with parents drag him to church even if he’s drunk or high they still make him go. I told him “well, that doesn’t seem to be having much impact does it? Faith can’t be forced, but I think you need really need to get ahold of Jesus.” The most talkative man B. was baptized when he was young but he didn’t really even know what he was doing and just fell away from believing. The third friend was quiet yet really listened and interjected questions at key points. was just asking about modern life clashing with church, visible hypocrisy, and specifically some churches and how they seem to make people rely fully on God doing miracles just to sustain them without encouraging people to do the practical things for themselves. Also, how it seems that there is so much inequality in the world – because B. had spent a few months in a wealthy Cape Town suburb working and was just really struck by the inequality between rich and poor and needy children trying to get an education but really having no prospects and then others just getting fast-tracked through the easy life.
The pastor’s son then started saying he would rather pray and have God answer all prayers and make him a billionaire even instead of having eternal life is is because “even if I have to burn in Hell by then I would have had an amazing life around here.” His friends were like “whoa man” and I laughed and said “be really be careful what you wish for” and then I spoke to them about heaven, what the Bible says and how we can’t even imagine what’s in store for us + how Jesus is going to right all wrongs and inequality and come wipe all tears from our eyes – but more than that how as followers of Jesus we are called to right wrongs and help others right now, to show Love in action and change the world in that way. B. said “I really like that, you’re a cool guy Chris and I’m so glad you stopped to talk with us and you were okay to continue discussing all these things.”
Then I took his number so we can talk more and suddenly as we parted the pastor’s son Xavier turned to me and said “could you please pray for me? I really do want to quit drinking and I want to find my way back.” That was so encouraging and I prayed for him right there (for the three of them but especially for him) to be able to to turn over a new Leaf for the Lord to come in and do what he can do on his own and then for the other guys for God to reveal himself to them in real manifest ways because they’re actually really searching and they’re not anti they just have so many burning questions about the world we live in and they want to see change. I’m continuing to stay in touch and pray for them that the Lord begins that change in their hearts and give them ideas how to change the world for others.
There were no people walking on the street I turned down, the only humans in sight were two ladies sitting on a fence and car guarding. I approached them, gave them each a tract, and asked how their day was going. We got into a conversation and I found out one of them had met Michelle previously, who had prayed for her. She told me that the prayers had been answered and she was doing much better. I said that it was wonderful to hear that, and then I asked the other lady if she had anything she wanted me to pray for. She did, and wanted me to pray for her life in general and for God’s blessing and guidance. I sat down next to her and prayed, for which she was very grateful. I also prayed again for the other lady when she asked me, and I gave them both a Activated mag for them to read. As I began to walk off, another lady ran from the other side of the street and stopped me. She had seen me praying for them, and wanted to know if I could pray for her. Her mother was not doing well, and she didn’t have enough money to either visit or support her, but she was trying. We both bowed our heads and I prayed for Jesus to break through and be a present help in her time of trouble just like He promised. She was very touched, and thanked me profusely afterwards. Then I told the three of them to continue praying and encouraging each other. They all heartily agreed to, and thanking me again, we said goodbye and I walked away much encouraged!
We met Donna at the 2015 Grahamstown Arts Festival. She had a show at 14:00 and was nervous. We prayed together for her show to go well and for her to pass her exams at Rhodes, and for her relationship with Jesus. We gave her some Activated magazines, and she was so thankful that we had met! She was also really glad to be added to our Gospel WhatsApp list. In 2016 we were able to meet again at the same Festival. She invited me for coffee we had a very meaningful chat. Prayed for her future, supply and care of her parents. We then left her with more Activated magazines and a Bible. She had asked many good questions and points of discussion were: how to find God’s will, how to witness, how to go about confessing, wants to please and care for parents, wants to make her parents proud, and performing arts which is her dream. She spoke out that she believes in Jesus in philosophy class when professor stated that surely no one in class believes. He was taken by surprise and wondered why she was attending this class. We were able to meet in the morning and gave her “God Online” booklet. She expressed what a blessing the gospel audios had been. We were able to meet this year again and she shared some deep things that she was going through. We ended our meeting by giving her the “Who Cares” book. By the next day she said that she had completed it. So Amy and I met with her and she was so very glad for our time talking about Jesus together. She even enrolled into the 12 Foundation Stones Bible study course! We were so inspired seeing her desire for more that we gave her a “God’s Gifts” and “Dare To Be Different” throughout our next meetings with her. We thought that we had met for the last time when we received a message that evening asking if we could meet the very next day. We decided to go out for waffles together. Amy and I had been looking forward to sharing this treat so it was great to have her join us as well.
As we met she couldn’t contain her excitement and broke the news. The evening before she was relaxing sitting outside her place looking at the stars when she noticed that the place next door was not empty as usual but had people that were here to attend the Festival. She went over to say hi and started talking with one of the guys about Jesus – he was keen but never had made the decision to accept Him. He expressed that he would like to and then continued talking. She desperately not wanting to miss a golden opportunity prayed inwardly for guidance and then remembered that he must confess with his mouth the Lord Jesus. She then put him on the spot and asked if he would like to pray right now, he immediately said yes and she led him to pray and accept Jesus as his personal Saviour! She then gave him the “God’s Gifts” book so he could learn more. We jumped for joy with her at the miracle of Salvation He had done through her. What a treasure to see those we minister to turn around and bring others to Christ!
We began talking with two young men sitting on a wall. Michelle explained salvation to them and one said “You know, a lot of people trying to talk about religion and Christianity just scare us away, but you, you delivered it with such grace, it was beautiful. That’s how everyone should be saying it.”
We continued to discuss the questions they were asking and we found out that one of them believed in Jesus and the other one was still struggling to find his way to Him. They asked why the churches seem to stifle and restrict, and if that was the way it was supposed to be. I said no, and quoted the verse “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” and explained that Jesus isn’t a cage, but true freedom, and through Him, we can become the best and honest of ourselves that, without Him, is impossible to achieve.
Then I mentioned the words of Jesus to the woman at the well, when he said that the hour has come where true believers don’t worship God in particular building or place, but in spirit and truth. They both loved the verse, and the one asked me to show him where it was. I sat down next to him and we looked it up in the Bible while the other friend began to talk to Michelle about things he was going through. After a while they had to go, but they both were very inspired and wanted to meet again, so we exchanged details.
Later, I was talking with the one friend over WhatsApp, and he said that he didn’t believe in coincidence anymore, because before we had arrived, he had been asking his friend the very questions that we had answered when we came. He said he was thankful we took the time to speak with him and answer his inquiries and help him with his journey back to Jesus.
During the festival I handed out tracts to 3 young guys sitting on the curb. They seemed a little indifferent but took them and I said “Jesus Loves You!” However as soon as I turned around to continue handing out on the walkway this lady reached out her hand to get her tract and “Jesus loves you!” affirmation. She then said, “You know, one of my colleagues came into work yesterday saying he met one of you and you said, ‘Jesus loves you!’ and then I immediately felt that He loved me too!”. We exchanged names and numbers so that we can keep in contact. Heide expressed her need for a job and loneliness. I offered to pray and she called over her Mom, Margaret. So the three of us huddle hugged and prayed. Then we chatted a bit and and as I was saying goodbye her Mom held on to my hand and kissing it saying, “Thank you, Enkosi, Enkosi!”. Thank you Jesus for putting us on each other’s paths!
I met Eddie on the side of the street. After a good conversation he made the decision to accept Jesus as his Saviour. When asking if he needed a Bible he responded that he’s Afrikaans so he needed one in his language. I told him that I could bring him one, and asked how we could meet. He directed us to Lulu’s shop and that he waits outside her place getting errands. In fact he was on an errand right now. So I promised to look for him at his waiting spot or with Lulu. I went back a little bit later to find that I had just missed him, but it wonderfully turned out that Lulu needed encouragement too. Being a single mother with a sister who is unable to leave the house due to depression, she has a lot on her plate. We prayed for the Lord to continue to keep her and supply for her. It was another one of the Lord’s set ups. First that we met Eddie while he was doing his errand and second meeting Lulu while getting him a Bible. Praise the Lord for His set ups. We later went to see him again and he was so very glad for his Bible. We also were able to discuss a little more about the Lord and his new road in life.
Met Nathan (a seller by the arch) and he said this year has been extremely tough. We spoke about adapting and I ended up praying for him and his wife for miracles in business and faith to hold on. They were very touched and asked for more tracts so they could give some to friends.
Met them that evening in a different place and they were so pleased to meet. He said ” you know, our business did pick up after you prayed for it!” And his wife asked for another small stack of tracts.
Tract reactions:
“Oh wow, can I have one of these? I love these tracts, I’m going to sleep so well tonight! I got one the other day and read it before I went to bed. I slept so well!”
“This is just what I needed today! I do lighting for the shows and it can get very stressful – this is so perfect.”
“I get a lot of pamphlets for different things during the festival, but this tract is definitely the best one I’ve received”
“It’s awesome to meet someone my age who also believes! It can tend to feel very lonely at varsity, so thanks for this encouragement!”