Recently someone donated a beautiful set of furniture, and we were discussing and praying about who it was meant for. We felt led to give it to the faithful pastor leading a large soup kitchen and outreach project in Kraaifontein, which we support with food 5+ days weekly.
We planned to bring the furniture to him and his wife Thursday afternoon, and were very excited to see their reaction. Then, Thursday morning when dropping off a load of fresh produce for the soup kitchen, we were surprised when he asked “if you have any furniture, we are in need of some.” We could only laugh and say “Well, we have a surprise for you! The Lord has already answered!”
Just hours later, we unloaded the complete set in front of them, to exclaimations of praise and joy! Pastor N and his wife then prayed over us in great thankfulness to the Lord for His preplanned answer to their unspoken request!