Youth Outreach and Hermanus Whale Festival

We had an amazing and inspiring time interacting with young people from around the world at the Taizé gathering in Cape Town. (four of us attended)
There were many discussions about faith and practical daily following of Jesus -especially His command to reach out to others with the message of Love and Salvation. We were also able to speak to some groups of young people, testifying of what Jesus has done in our lives and in Helping Hand over the years, encouraging them to step out and be bold examples of faith in a world of darkness, and exchanging details to enable future input.

The Hermanus Whale Festival Outreach was also exciting and blessed! Together with a first-time volunteer, we walked the streets of Hermanus, praying with many for a variety of requests, giving out Gospel comic tracts, and leading individuals to accept Christ as their personal Friend and Saviour. We also followed up on and are discipling those met at previous outreaches there. The Lord was so good, even holding back the rain to enable more hours of witnessing. A big thanks to the kind couple who allowed us use of their cottage over the weekend, as well as each person that made this outreach possible!

Immediate, known results are:

12 Decisions for Jesus
Over 800 Gospel tracts, Gospels of John, and Activated magazines distributed

His Word never returns void. (Isaiah 55:11) Hallelujah!