As we set out tables-full of food, treats, and toys- the men, women, and children of the Klipheuwel informal settlement listened to us explain the reason for our visit. ” It’s Christmas time, Jesus’ Birthday, and He is the only One Who gave the gift of Himself. He is Love personified.” Wonderfully, 250 of those gathered then accepted Jesus as their Forever Friend and Saviour! After the prayer we proceeded to fill their bags with food items and treats for Christmas, as well as giving a special toy to each child. There were mealies and meat, apples, potatoes, onions, bread, and ice lollies, goodie bags, Gospel material, cuddles and board games and dolls and cars and more and more!!!
Afterwards, all around us children were playing and parents were smiling – and we were grateful for the opportunity to help a little bit of Jesus’ love to come down for these dear people this Christmas.