A leader in the Scotsdene community (we’ll call him T) asked us to assist him by driving 20 children from troubled homes to a special football outing. (fives futbol venue)
We met him and the kids by a plot of “no-man’s land” between gang territories, and they climbed into our two vans and T’s car. After a prayer for safety, good sportsmanship, and fun, we were off!
Upon arrival, the kids joyously spilled unto the fields, and we soon had action! Mike, David, and Chris were even able to join in, adding to the teams. Later, back to the dropoff point again, with the boys shaking each of our hands with thankful smiles as they said goodbye. We’re so glad to have been able to help T to bring a little love and fun into the boys’ day, and commend him for doing all he can, right where he is.