There are many promises in God’s Word we can hold on to. Promises of supply, of comfort, and of protection. With fear and panic spreading around the globe almost faster than the (CoViD -19) Corona Virus, we would like to ask everyone to join us in prayer.
Although we do need to do all we can to stay healthy and take precautions, we also need to put our faith in the Lord to do what we cannot do; to keep us safe and, even more so, to keep our mind on Him and His precious promises. At the end here you can listen to two beautiful songs based on Psalm 91 and Isaiah 41. May they help remind you to keep your eyes on Jesus and your mind free from fear. (2 Timothy 1:7)
We have been praying desperately for direction, and feel the Lord wants us to trust Him and continue with our projects and outreaches as much as possible. We don’t know exactly how we will be ministering or what He will call us to do as time goes on, but we’re taking it one step at a time. We want to be here to help those who need it, and be lights of His Hope in these difficult times. NOW is the time to reach out with His Love, and we look forward to continuing to partner with you to do just that, to the very best of our ability. (2 Corinthians 6:2)