Food and Essential Aid During Lockdown

We are continuing our collection and distribution of fresh foods and goods during lockdown – while observing all possible practices for hygiene and social distancing for the protection of ourselves and others. To date since lockdown began we have distributed over 3700kg of fresh food – meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and bread, plus staples like rice, flour, sugar, tins, tissue paper, and more!

Truly we can see the need now more than ever, and we are grateful to be able to assist hundreds of children and families during this time – through bigger centres and soup kitchens as well as individual family food parcels. The pastor in charge of a large soup kitchen that we bring food to almost every day came to thank us the other day as we unloaded, saying:

“There have been times I am almost forced to divide a bread roll between two children, just so everyone can have something. Also, much of our food supplies have stopped due to lockdown, so what you bring keeps us going and gives so, so many their daily food!”

Pastor Nanda

Thank you to each and every one of you that make this work possible – showing His Love during Lockdown.