CoViD-19 Aid: A Sign for Help

When driving back from a major food parcel distribution, we noticed a group of men, women, and children standing on a little ridge on the side of the main road, holding up simple signs that tore at our hearts…

… “Out of Food” …”Please Help With Anything” …”Hungry”

We were deeply touched, and knew we needed to do what we could. Already being quite stretched in resources, we prayed for miraculous supply, and within a couple days, it came! Wonderful fresh fruit and veg, meat, bread, tissue paper, sauce, and more to fill their bags! We gathered the foodstuffs and essential items together, packed parcels, and returned to the lonely embankment. Clambering up, we found truly sad conditions – families in broken down buildings, with lines of suffering on the faces of young and older alike.

How wonderful to see their faces light with a glimmer of joy, creasing into smiles as we handed over their parcels and face masks, (together with a simple Gospel message “Freedom from Fear”) and told each one “Jesus loves you, and we love you too!”