Children’s Christmas Cheer in Villiersdorp!

At the beginning of the Christmas season we drove through to Villiersdorp to surprise the children of two creches there with presents and treats. Due to the limitations the Covid restrictions had put on this community there was no money to organize a Christmas party for their kids, so we stepped in to help.

The little ones were so delighted with their gifts and it seemed each gift was specifically chosen with that particular child in mind ( the Lord and His angels must have had something to do with that!)
After opening their presents they eagerly tucked into their yummy treats; while making sure to leave some for later to take back home.
The teaching staff were touched to tears and couldn’t believe we had driven out all this way just to bring the kids some Christmas Cheer.
Truth be told, WE were the ones who felt cheered by the joyful sweet reaction of all the kiddies there. Christmas Cheer!