We arrived with arms laden with toys, goodies and treats! At one centre – a community creche which has seriously struggled to stay solvent through the pandemic – the children rejoiced to see us arrive with their presents and treats! We then spent time presenting each one’s present by name, and watching them open and enjoy them! Then to the safe house, which cares for children as young as 3 months, and unwed mothers of 19 and 20. It was wonderful to be there and let them know they are deeply loved by Jesus – and He will never abandon them. For some of these children, the present we brought may be their only gift, and we are just so grateful to have come and spent time with them. The kind-hearted teachers and caregivers also each received a Christmas hamper, which they more than deserve. As we left each place, the children smiled and chorused “Thank you!” and we called back “Merry Christmas!”