A special Christmas came for 90 dear children from our Sunday School in Morningstar informal settlement! They were so excited! As we pulled up they jumped up and down; then eagerly trying to catch a glimpse of their treats and toys as we unloaded.
After a recap of the Christmas message which we’ve been going through for a few weeks, the festivities began! Each child went home with a pack of treats and a toy of their choosing!
To our absolute joy, five of the children gave their hearts to the Lord, accepting Him as their personal Friend and Saviour! We’re really grateful to be able to provide an active touch of Christmas and expression of the Love they learn about every week. Enjoy seeing the happy faces and thankful smiles, and may we each be reminded of just how blessed we are.
P.S. Something incredible happened at this event. A few minutes after arriving, an old bakkie pulled up, and a couple from the informal settlement jumped out and handed us a big bag full of wrapped presents! We were so stunned, at first we throught they had the wrong people, or meant for the gifts to go to specific children. But no, they told us “these are for you to give to the children!”
What a kindhearted Christmas miracle! Because of their gift, we had enough gifts for all 90+ kids, and even some of the original ones we’d packed left over which we later gave to an orphanage! How wonderful!
Soldiers for Jesus