Like previous Christmases, we wanted to be sure that everyone – including the homeless – would be served a special warm Christmas meal. With continued social distancing in place, we were not able to invite others onto our mission property to enjoy this meal. So we adapted.
We were able to pack and give a full three-course meal to all those who would have otherwise gone without on this special day. (as well as to essential services workers) As we handed out the meals, we encountered surprise, joy, and tears. More than once we were asked to pray with and for these dear ones; struggling with their future in these uncertain times. One young man (barely 15) had been looking through every garbage bin on the main road, hoping to find leftover food. When we came to him with a full packed meal, he almost couldn’t believe it, and thanked us again and again. Then, he sat down right where we met him, and began to enjoy the food! it is both heartbreaking and heartwarming, to see how much hope a little love can bring. Later, we also heard of a policeman who had passed away in an accident just Christmas morning. We were able to counsel and encourage his fellow SAPS members when we brought them their meals and treats.
For all the people (over 70) that received a meal, pudding, a juice, and a Gospel message, in spite of restrictions and these difficult times, it turned out to be a very Merry Christmas!
Anthony helping one homeless man fix his belt.