Grahamstown Outreach – team is on the road!

Our outreach team is on the road! They will be witnessing and ministering up along the way to Grahamstown, there for the duration of the Arts Festival, and back down again early July. Two weeks in total.

There are thousands of Gospel tracts, Bibles, Activated magazines, and other materials ready to give out!

Please join us in prayer for:

  • safety on the roads and streets
  • good health for the whole trip
  • anointing, wisdom, and Holy Spirit Power
  • working water in the house we’ll be staying at
  • continued supply of needs
  • many to received Salvation, be encouraged, and grow closer to Jesus.

The rest of the mission team here will continue with local outreach, Bible studies, food distribution, and projects. Hooray for the miracles and testimonies to come! Thank you!