16 Day Outreach Trip!

The outreach was a great and wonderful success! In total during the 16 days witnessing (on the road and at Grahamstown Arts Festival) the immediate, known results are:

  • 70 decisions to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour!
  • 158 people prayed with on the spot for healing, jobs, family, against anxiety, depression, and many other requests!
  • 305 Bibles, Activated magazines, and other books given out!
  • 12 700 Gospel tracts distributed!

Our four-person team was blessed to follow up and visit with many people who have been previously met, some as far back as 13 years ago! The Lord is so amazing and faithful. (fun fact: according to one team member’s fitness tracker, they walked over 213km all around while witnesssing)

And though we also met some very nasty and difficult people, that is also par for the course and still seeds planted and decisions made. We rejoice!

Thank you SO much for partnering with us in prayer and support. This is a wonderful testimony of what the Holy Spirit can do through ordinary people – you and “we”!