Celebrating Women’s Day; Breakfast and Gifts for Women in Crisis

For Women’s Day, we wanted to take the ladies from a crisis centre out for a special breakfast – something to spoil them and remind them how valued they are, in spite of how they have been treated in the past or how others perceive them. And the miracles just started rolling in!

Beautiful soaps, jewelry, chocolates, and many other items came in from various sources, and the bags were packed full of amazing gifts! We went to the restaurant, and set rose bouquets, name places, and a Scripture by each seat; making it as special of an event as possible. Then -without our asking! – the restaurant management got involved by heavily discounting the breakfast, so all the ladies could upgrade to an even more “fancy” meal than we had been able to budget for – AS WELL AS have a stunning slice of chocolate cake!

For hours, the ladies laughed and chatted together, and it was a truly joyful and blessed time. One of the women said “this is a day I will never ever forget for the rest of my life! I’m writing it in my diary!” So precious to hear, and we are grateful to the Lord and those that made this a real success!