Outreach to Schools! A trip of miracles

In our praying and planning, we felt led to go on a trip up towards Ladismith, ministering and witnessing at schools along the way, giving gifts of character-building and Gospel material, as well a Salvation message. The day before leaving, Amy got the inspiration to create a “heart skit”, illustrating how the only key to our hearts is True Love – not toys, clothes, or money. God bless her, she made the props and wrote the script all in that day before we left – come that evening, van was loaded and we were ready!

Except for one thing; we didn’t know which schools we would go to. The Lord clearly told us just to go, seek, and knock – then speak and give the material wherever doors opened. So we drove up, and in towns along the way, spoke to principals and teachers; explaining who we are and our mission. At some schools we were not received, but at others we were gladly! And oh what Holy Spirit miracles!

At some schools, we spoke to large assemblies, and at others, went classroom by classroom, animatedly doing the skit, offering Salvation, and distributing the gifts. We also had material for the teaching staff of each school!

Friends kindly put us up in Ladismith, and unexpectedly phoned around and organized local schools for us to visit the next day! So as we went by faith, more and more came together. Busy days, wonderful days!

The immediate, known results of this outreach are:

  • Over 1600 Gospel tracts
  • 1180 Bible and Character-building DVDs + 41 children’s CDs
  • 24 Afrikaans “Start Early” poster sets for Foundation Phase classrooms
  • 84 Activated magazines and 119 CDs for teaching staff!
  • BEST OF ALL – 1436 Decisions for Jesus!

We are so thrilled and grateful to those who made this possible through prayer and support. The angels rejoice and Jesus smiles. Hallelujah!