Recently, we went to collect donated items from a family who is emigrating. Among the items were some large drywall boards and a wooden door. When the father asked if such things would be a blessing, we said that a need always opens up, and we’d be glad to have them. Just days later, we heard about another hard-working father whose home had burned down, and left him, his wife, and their daughter with almost nothing. It all made sense now. We were able to help them with building material, the door, a food parcel, and clothing items. Praise the Lord!
On another day this week, a friend asked if we could use a dishwasher at the mission. We said that, while we have one already, a dishwasher would definitely be a blessing to someone. So we picked it up. The very next morning, the house “father” of a drug rehab visited us, picking up food, toiletries, and cleaning items for the rehab. We asked him “do you have a dishwasher?” and he replied “no, we don’t sorry” (as if it was an inconvenience to us) We smiled and said “well, I think the Lord just brought one for you!” How thrilled he was as we loaded this awesome piece of equipment into their van, adding much more than expected to the load of blessings for the men back at the rehab. God’s Timing is incredible!