What a great joy to hold an event for hundreds of children who didn’t have much of a Christmas – giving toys, goodie bags, healthy juice, and Gospel material – as well as a skit and Salvation message. Partnering with a wonderful lady from the community who organized the hall and some ice cream, we showed up to eager faces and a happy hum of anticipation. Amy, David, and Ester did the “heart skit” for all the children, illustrating how the only key to our hearts and lasting joy is True Love – not toys, clothes, or money. (miracle, only days before a friend showed up at the mission with a brand new wireless speaker and mic setup, which we used for this event! God bless them!) The whole thing was smooth and blessed, with all gladly receiving their gifts and treats! Best of all, 260 children prayed to invite Jesus into their lives as Saviour and Forever Friend!
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