Women’s Day Treats for Ladies in Crisis

We brought special gifts and treats for these women in crisis, (some still in their early teens) as well as supplies for the centre! The little ones of Helping Hand even helped deliver the goodies, and we were able to pray with the ladies for peace, strength, and an experience of God’s Love in a special unique way for each one! (faces blurred to protect privacy)

Two special things happened; just the same morning a kind gentlemen gave some fresh vegetables, which we added to the foodstuffs for the centre. Upon arrival, the housemother gasped “we’ve just run out of vegetables! Such good timing!” We know it’s all the Lord’s doing, and happened that way as part of a wonderful Plan.

Also, one of the dear ladies is blind, so instead of giving her a book in her gift hamper like the others, we brought a few handbags, and she was able – by feel and description – to choose her favorite. It turned out to be a lovely electric blue, and her smile as she clutched it close filled us with emotion. What a blessing and joy to be able to make this day special for these sweet ones, and may we all continue to count our many blessings.