Bulk Supplies for Centres – Creche, Orphanage, Special Needs Home

As you know, one of the focuses of June was bulk supplies for centres! In reaching this goal, we were able to provide all kinds of non-perishables to centres that we have been supporting for many years, and which provide safety and help for the vulnerable members of the community.

At each one, the items were received with joy and extreme gratefulness! Scroll through to see details of each centre!

Here, an underfunded creche, hit hard by Covid in that they got back only half of their enrollees upon reopening. They often struggle to pay teachers, utilities, and provide a balanced diet for the children in their care. What a joy to see the teacher’s faces when we arrived with juice, cereal, samp, maize, jam, and more!

And for Baphumelele Orphanage, which over 140 children call home, we had all kinds of staples, plus even some nice-to-haves like sauces! One very special part of the gift was a whole lot of baby cereal, formula, and pots of baby food!

Then Sive Nathi – a care home for severely physically and mentally challenged children. We brought all kinds of supplies, flour, meat, rice, samp, cooking oil, cereal, and much more! We also provided them with 4 large bales of tissue paper (200 rolls!) and a Gospel Activated magazine for each staff member. They was rejoicing!

All in all, a great blessing and successful focus! Thank you so much to each person that made it possible!