Morning and Evening – Porridge, Stew, Gospel, Prayer, and Salvation!

From early morning until the evening yesterday, we were excited and busy! 71 children at our Sunday School received warm porridge during their Bible lesson on Heaven, and it was so special to see their enjoyment! Throughout the day, we distributed pies and fruit to the needy at the mission gate, giving each person that came a short word of encouragement and a Gospel tract. Then in the evening, we cooked two big pots of chicken stew, and distributed it to over 40 homeless individuals all around the area. (each person received a 700ml portion and bread roll!) We took time to give a message explaining Salvation and Jesus’ Love; offering to pray with them right there to accept Him as their Saviour. Wonderfully, 10 men and women made the decision! It was a long and amazing day! We are so privileged to be able to do what we can to reach out and spread Hope and Love.