Youth Outreach – Hermanus Whale Festival

Our youth team’s time at the Hermanus Whale Festival was greatly blessed; they came back full of joy and testimonies!

The immediate results of the 4 day outreach are:

  • 67 individuals gave their lives to Jesus!
  • Dozens of Activated magazines, colour posters and Gospels of John distributed!
  • 4400 Gospel tracts handed out on a one-on-one basis!
  • Many others prayed for, encouraged, and details exchanged with.

Our sincere appreciation and thanks go out to each of you who supported, prayed for, and were otherwise a part of this outreach. You share in the rewards and blessings! Please see below some photos and testimonies!
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(Michelle) Amy was handing out tracts a few meters in front of me for a bit and then we met and were handing out tracts together. I saw a man she gave a tract to and he seemed like he was thinking about the tract. I asked if he accepted Jesus, he explained that he grew up learning about his ancestors and learned what their destiny for him was, but had not heard very much about Jesus and what His destiny for him was. So I explained, about God and how He had Jesus come and pay for our sins as we aren’t good enough to go to His home in heaven. Just then a couple of people passed and asked me for some tracts, they took them and happily went on their way. I wasn’t able to speak with them as I was already talking with someone. Now it was Amy’s turn to talk with them as they had caught up to where she was. I continued speaking with this man and he eventually prayed and asked Jesus into his heart. I then explained the Bible verse: By this shall all men know that you are My disciples if you love one another! (John 13:35). I explained to this man that now his destiny is to help others understand God’s love for them and helping them to accept Jesus. Praise the Lord, he was so ready to hear this message and openly accepted it! He is also now getting the audio devotionals. When I turned to walk away, I saw that Amy was not only still talking with the other two people, but they were now also praying to accept Jesus! We were so inspired how the Lord carefully organized each of our steps in bringing these three to salvation.

Michelle) When witnessing on the corner of the street, a woman and her child were just about to pray to recieve Jesus as their Saviour when two young guys passed by and the one reached over and asked for a tract; they both got one. They continued on their way while the lady and her child accepted Jesus. In the mean time they came back by and asked Kodie what this was all about. She explained that we are telling people about Jesus and how much He loves them. He then said that he is Jewish, but liked the design and artwork so was going to keep it anyways, ha. We are so thankful to have captivating tracts and can really see the Lords’ double orchestrating our witnessing!

(Michelle) Tim and I were passing out tracts and we met these three ladies, whom we asked if they had accepted Jesus. The one lady said she had accepted Jesus, but has gone through so much. She said that she is angry against God for having allowed things to happen to her! Her boyfriend left her after she had his baby, it totally knocked her for a loop and she ended up drunk for a year. She said: please if you can save me, please save me. She promised to send an email to fill me in her difficulties. I gave her a hug and repeatedly told her that Jesus really loves her even if she doesn’t feel it right now. We exchanged details and am praying for the Lord to heal her broken heart and give me wisdom in replying to her coming e-mail.

I (Amy) went to go give two girls and a man some tracts. I sat down and began talking with the girls as the man didn’t really seem interested. Just as I told the girls Jesus loved them and wanted to be their closest friend, the man turned and said that he was Satan himself. I turned and said that Jesus loved everyone and even if he was ‘Satan’ the Lord still cared about him and he was not “lost forever”. Then I got a check to rather focus on the girls, who seemed very sheepy. After I said that to the man, the Lord kept him silent and after a while both the girls enthusiastically received Jesus. I’m so glad the Lord’s there to guide and show me what to do and when, and how important unconditional love is.

(Stefanie) I was witnessing with Frank and at some point I went to the nearest restroom and then found I would have to pay to get in. So I told him I would just walk further until I could find a free one. He said,”no it’s okay here is a coin.” After finishing in the restroom I and another lady got into talking near the sinks, it turns out that she wasn’t saved yet and was really interested and ready to hear the truth. So.. in the end I prayed with this woman to accept Jesus! What an amazing setup and perfect timing!

(David) Timothy and I ended up talking to this young guy on a busy street. At first he didn’t seem very receptive but as we talked and I was able to share my own experiences and really explain the great eternal gift of Salvation – regardless of the state we’re in when we receive it – he listened more and more, and before leaving he accepted Jesus into his life!

(Chris) I was witnessing with Tim and the streets were quiet. We weren’t sure where to go or who the Lord had for us to meet. Then we turned a corner and there was a young guy sitting on the wall. We sat with him and got into a conversation. Timothy was such a powerful witness, even quoting scriptures from our devotions that morning and telling him “Jesus really loves you.” This guy listened and nodded and asked questions, and we continued chatting for a while. He then decided to give Jesus a try, and prayed with us to accept Salvation! It just shows that God’s Word never returns void, and there is always someone near us that God has placed in our path.

(Amy) Each morning before going out on the streets, we had a good devotions to “fill up” with God’s Word. This morning as part of the devotions, we were studying scriptures on salvation and heaven. Then the person leading said ” why don’t I just open the book and put my finger down, and that will be our closing scripture topic?” So he did, and it was on the topic of “who wrote the Bible?” – covering verses like Titus 3:5, which state that the Bible was written under inspiration of the Holy Spirit. So we reviewed that, and soon after, off we went. Later I began talking with a group of friends, and one of them challenged me with “oh yeah? Where does it say that God loves us?” So I showed them in the Bible. “Well, who wrote the Bible?” they shot back. Ha, what an opportunity! I was able to show them exactly, and we spoke longer on that topic. After all, the very one who was asking the questions prayed to receive Jesus! (John 14:26)

Some comments from people:

  • “Thank you!-Jesus loves you too! If Jesus didn’t love me I don’t know what I would do.”

  • I was handing out the “Is Something Missing!” tracts and a man walked up behind me noticing the tracts that I had and said, “Is something missing? Yes, Jesus is missing!”

  • “Wow, at first I thought this was just another festival advert, and I’m so sick of those, but I really really appreciate this!”
  • “It truly is a wonder to me to see young people willing to stand up and proclaim Jesus. Don’t ever give up!”
  • “Our country needs more of this”
  • (after becoming born again) “I actually feel different…it’s amazing!”
  • (from a lady who needed prayer and encouragement) ” Thank you for giving up your time to come out here and speak to people like me. We all need to be reminded how much Jesus loves us, and I really feel that love from you.”