This month, our focus was to make improvements for some of our beneficiaries centres. We communicated with three of the most in-need – a centre that teaches life skills and mentors troubled youth, a home for 40 severely physically and mentally disabled children, and a refuge for pregnant women in crisis – and found out their needs.
Then, thanks to sponsors, we were able to bring them all the below pictured items! These included heaters, beds, mellaware kitchenware, food warming plate, screen, radio, blankets, towels, pictures for the walls, large toy balls and warm beanies for the disabled kids, iron, kettle, vacuum cleaner, microwave, water filters, bedding, toiletries, and more!
We are so grateful and pleased to be a part of making things better for all those at these centres. The gasps of joy and astonishment as item after item was unloaded and displayed made us so happy, and we know that through this focus, Jesus was glorified!
(note: some faces blurred to protect privacy)