Valentines for Women in Crisis

Each of the ladies at a centre for women in crisis (at which we host weekly Bible studies) received a box of chocolates, red roses gift-wrapped, and a Activated magazine with a special message of love and encouragement from Jesus.

For these ladies, with so much going on in their lives and so many decisions to make, we are glad to be able to remind them that Love and forgiveness is always available, and they are valued.

(here is the message they were each given.)

My love is unconditional. I love without partiality. I love the unlovely and the difficult to love. I love the sad and the lonely. I love those who are struggling and those who are lost and confused. My love is enduring, patient, and unfailing. It knows no limits and has no stopping place. My love will go the distance to bring one lost, lonely, wounded soul through to victory.

Of course, you have weaknesses and shortcomings, but I don’t love you any less because of them. No matter what condition you are in, I love you. My love doesn’t depend on you having a glowing record. Don’t ever think that I love you any less because you aren’t all that you would like to be or think you should be. When I look at you, I see My creation that I love, and I love you just the way I made you.
