It’s a Girl!

On Friday, 24th June, a lovely, healthy baby girl – Lilly Victoria – was born to Chris and Ester – a little sister to the other two daughters! 🙂 We rejoice in the blessing of another little life, and pray to raise her according to the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4)

On the Way! – Grahamstown Outreach

How wonderful it is to talk about Jesus! Please keep in prayer for our Grahamstown outreach – the team headed up early Thursday morning. The Lord has already done wonderful miracles like providing them with a place to stay! (a flat unexpectedly made available by a local church) and supplying sponsorship for their bus tickets!

They have their bags packed FULL of Gospel tracts, books, Activated magazines, and Bibles – with minimal clothes and personal items.

Please agree with us in prayer for souls saved and anointed ministering, followup, and discipling, as well as safety, good health, continued supply for costs, and inspiration for the team!
Thank you! Will keep you posted.

“Free Shop” Clothing Distribution for over 250 Men, Women, and Children

It was an incredible day! On Father’s Day we held an event to show the Love of our Father in Heaven! After loading our vans with dozens of boxes of clothes, shoes, linens, blankets, and more, we drove out to a community hall in Scotsdene. We worked with a local leader who both personally knows and deeply cares for the downtrodden in the area.

When we arrived and began to set up, there were already many waiting, and more and more and more arrived as time passed!

The clothes and shoes were laid out by types, age, gender, etc, and bit by bit, all the people came past the tables and chose several things to take home! From babies in arms to elderly holding on to a loved one’s arm, all were accommodated! It was so beautiful to see their grateful smiles and amazement at receiving – completely free of charge – all manner of lovely items which they could never have afforded! When leaving the hall, each adult received a tissue roll – and the fathers and children got chocolates! Thank you Jesus for the privilege of being “a helping hand” to these dear ones.

Three More Added to the Family

At Sunday School, (Father’s Day) this week’s message was on fathers and the ideal qualities which a good father has. (for example, kindness, strength, protectiveness, love, teaching, etc) Then we showed them how God is our ultimate Father, and invites us into his family forever through trust and belief in His Son Jesus Christ. When the lesson concluded, we invited any who hadn’t yet received Salvation to do so, and three of the children accepted Christ into their lives! Hallelujah! The chocolates that they all were given to take home were an extra little touch of care from Above. What a joy!

Assisting Youth Upliftment Centres, Creche, Feeding Schemes, Soup Kitchens, and Orphanage!

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been able to supply many centres, feeding schemes, soup kitchens, and more with a total of over 4800kg of fruit, veg, meat, cheese, and bread – as well as non-perishables and long lasting nutritional supplies! Such provisions give desperate children and adults both sustenance and encouragement, as they are reminded that Someone cares.

Teaching Healthy Eating Habits

We took time to add to the Sunday School lesson a talk on the importance of healthy eating and taking care of our bodies as the “Temple of God” (1 Corinthians 6:19) We spoke about essential food groups, and then gave out parcels with fruit, veg, starch, and dairy! (plus a tissue roll to take home)


A huge “thank you” to Stor-Age – and in particular the Durbanville branch – for donating 6 months use of a storage unit! This is such a help and facilitation to our work, especially to store items for clothing projects, mom and baby upliftment drives, and Christmas events!