Easter Events – Celebrating the Resurrection at Two Sunday Schools!

What a busy and amazing Easter Sunday it was! Teams went to two Sunday Schools – our weekly one in Morningstar settlement, and another in Scottsdene – to bring both the message of Easter and gifts of love from Jesus to the children! (Mallow eggs, colouring pages/posters, crayons, and hot cross buns!)

At each Sunday School, David/Amy and Angela respectively shared the story of Easter, and gave the children a chance to accept Christ as their Saviour. (Angela even acted out Revelations 3:20 “behold I stand at the door and knock”.) Then they led them in a prayer and 30 children gave their hearts to Jesus!!! How wonderful!

Easter Events – Gifts for Women at a Crisis Centre

We have a weekly Bible study and discussion time with the ladies at this home for unwed mothers, and on Good Friday we had an additional Easter message, viewing of “The Gospel of John”, and giftbags with books, headbands, and treats! Recently Angela led one of these dear ladies to accept Jesus as Saviour, and we are very pleased and thankful to have been able to bring extra joy and meaning to such a wonderful time!

Happy Resurrection Day!

Today we celebrate the Son of God’s sacrifice on the cross of Calvary and His triumphant victory over death! Jesus died and rose again; that we might be saved from sin, redeemed from death, and have an eternal home with Him in the wonderful Kingdom of Heaven! A very joyous Easter to you and yours!

A Blessed Good Friday

Easter is a chance for us to say thank You to Jesus through our actions. Because we already know the ultimate happy ending, we can face our own trials with peace, and dare I say, even joy. He is still making all things new, and I stand humbly privileged to suffer unashamed for Him. Let us cherish today’s rugged cross, for it shall give way to an eternal crown! Thank You, Jesus!

Faith Trip!

This second faith trip was really blessed – visited Worcester, Robertson, McGregor, Ashton, Swellendam, Mosselbaai, Hartenbos, Sedgefield, Jefferysbaai, P.E., and Grahamstown!

This was a focused followup and discipling trip for people we have previously met, and who need prayer, time together, and encouragement. We met some of those who we’ve led to the Lord over the last years, and saw how they are doing in their faith walk.

We miraculously were given a place to stay each night in a different town, wherever we ended up, and we distributed over 350 Gospel magazines, books, posters, and Cds (free of charge, and thanks to you our sponsors!)

And one young father gave his heart to Jesus, hallelujah!

KKNK Outreach!

(Click title for more!)
The immediate, visible results of the outreach are:
67 Activated magazines
70 “Colour of Love” posters
46 Devotional books and Bible guides
31 Bibles (English and Afrikaans)
16 Decisions for Jesus!
6100 Gospel tracts given out

Dozens of Appliances for All Kinds of Centres!

We received a surprise donation of an assortment of a lot of brand-new appliances! Microwaves, electric cookers, kettles, irons etc. etc. After sorting and testing them all, we decided to see about fulfilling the various wish lists of multiple centres and kitting them out. Time after time, among the appliances we delivered there were specific ones that were exactly what a centre needed – or even just desired – like a juicer and blender for a youth centre, an electric frying pan for a rehab facility, or a drip coffee machine for a quadriplegic centre! A safe house for children-at-risk also received a washing machine and tumble dryer among other things. Praise God!

Loading, Packing, Giving – Foodstuffs for Many Families!

In addition to our Gospel outreach, we’re kept very busy collecting, sorting, and giving out many vanloads of much-needed food to institutions, children’s homes, and desperate families. Hundreds of families have received food parcels containing vegetables, fruit, bread rolls, spices, tissue paper and more – as well as a Gospel Activated magazine! Filling hungry stomachs is temporary, yes, yet very necessary; our main goal of giving hope and transforming lives is facilitated by practical expressions of God’s Love.
Thank you Lord for the ability to show your Love and Salvation to those less fortunate!