“Back to School” – Learner Packs for Children in Two Farm Communities

50 children in these communities received learner packs, kid-focused Gospel material, and lunchboxes with treats! And for the younger children a colouring book and a box of wax crayons!
Our deepest thanks to those who made this project a reality, both through support and gifts in kind.
We had originally planned to do this event in January, but were unable to do so due to financial constraints. Looking back we can really see that the Lord had a plan and a timetable, and it all turned out wonderfully! Even better than we had hoped!

Valentine’s Day for Women in Crisis

For Valentine’s Day, each of the ladies at a centre for women in crisis (at which we host weekly Bible studies) received a box of chocolates, some beauty products, a journal, and a Activated magazine with a special message of love and encouragement from Jesus. These dear ladies have so much going on in their lives and so many decisions to make – we are glad to be able to remind them that Love and forgiveness is always available, and they are valued.

Surprise Supply!

These struggling communities are always in great need of help, but as January has been a difficult month, to add any extra projects to our usual feeding schemes didn’t seem possible. But the Lord is so faithful!
From different directions, extra food started arriving – fruits, vegetables, bread, and even meat! It’s wonderful to see the Lord’s unfailing supply for His children, and very inspiring for us – through the various donations of food – to be a helping hand to these families.

Household Items and Food For a Struggling Family

We heard about a father, mother and two children that recently had to move to Cape Town with all their earthly possessions in a tiny car.
Although they thankfully found work, they were struggling to set up house and make ends meet till payday. The parents were even sleeping on the floor and the children on a little mattress.
We are so pleased to have been able to help them with all kinds of household items, dishes, cutlery, bedding, a double mattress, and foodstuffs! They were incredibly grateful, praise the Lord!