These struggling communities are always in great need of help, but as January has been a difficult month, to add any extra projects to our usual feeding schemes didn’t seem possible. But the Lord is so faithful!
From different directions, extra food started arriving – fruits, vegetables, bread, and even meat! It’s wonderful to see the Lord’s unfailing supply for His children, and very inspiring for us – through the various donations of food – to be a helping hand to these families.
Author: Helping Hand
Household Items and Food For a Struggling Family
We heard about a father, mother and two children that recently had to move to Cape Town with all their earthly possessions in a tiny car.
Although they thankfully found work, they were struggling to set up house and make ends meet till payday. The parents were even sleeping on the floor and the children on a little mattress.
We are so pleased to have been able to help them with all kinds of household items, dishes, cutlery, bedding, a double mattress, and foodstuffs! They were incredibly grateful, praise the Lord!
1000’s of Kg’s of Fresh Food!
In any given week, we collect, sort, and distribute over 1750kg of fresh foodstuffs to centres, orphanages, feeding schemes, soup kitchens, and families in great need. Here you can see some pics of the most recent busy days!
Happy New Year!
We now face a new year and many more days that we can use to learn and grow. We all will face challenges this year, just as we did last year; but God’s Love will surround us throughout every second, minute, hour, day, and month of 2022! God is still on the throne and prayer changes things! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Christmas Presents for Ladies in Crisis
Throughout the year we have weekly devotions with the pregnant ladies of this crisis center. We offer hope, encouragement, love, and Bible studies.
At Christmas time, when families gather together to celebrate, these ladies stay at the center, their condition often unsupported and/or unknown by family members.
This year there were six ladies there for the festive season. We visited them this Christmas with presents for each one; a pamper pack, chocolate, and Bible study booklet. Upon request the children sang “We Three Kings” after giving out the gifts.
It’s often the small gestures that make a big difference and we were so touched by the appreciation these dear ladies showed us as we wished them a heart-felt Happy Christmas!
Homemade Cookies and Much More at Christmas
We were preparing a large load of foodstuffs and treats for Baphumelele orphanage, when we got a call. “Do you know any orphanage that would like some homemade cookies for Christmas?” Amazed, we said that yes, we certainly do, and they would be thrilled to receive cookies! On the 23rd, the kindhearted young lady gave us 160 beautifully crafted cookies, one for every child at Baphumelele! We then added these wonderful Christmas lovegifts to a load of flour, meat, juice concentrate, chocolates, fresh vegetables, and other much appreciated items for staff and children alike! Just in time for Christmas!
Christmas Day – Many get Meal and Message
Like previous Christmases, we wanted to be sure that everyone – including the homeless – would be served a special warm Christmas meal. With continued social distancing in place, we were not able to invite others onto our mission property to enjoy this meal. So we adapted.
We were able to pack and give a full three-course meal to all those who would have otherwise gone without on this special day. (as well as to essential services workers) As we handed out the meals, we encountered surprise, joy, and tears. More than once we were asked to pray with and for these dear ones; struggling with their future in these uncertain times. One young man (barely 15) had been looking through every garbage bin on the main road, hoping to find leftover food. When we came to him with a full packed meal, he almost couldn’t believe it, and thanked us again and again. Then, he sat down right where we met him, and began to enjoy the food! it is both heartbreaking and heartwarming, to see how much hope a little love can bring. Later, we also heard of a policeman who had passed away in an accident just Christmas morning. We were able to counsel and encourage his fellow SAPS members when we brought them their meals and treats.
For all the people (over 70) that received a meal, pudding, a juice, and a Gospel message, in spite of restrictions and these difficult times, it turned out to be a very Merry Christmas!
Merry CHRISTmas!
Merry Christmas and blessings in Jesus to you and yours!