Happy Easter!

What a day of rejoicing that must have been when He rose and realized it was all over! He had won the victory, the world was saved! He had accomplished His mission! He had gone through the horrors of Hell for us and death, agony, all of it, and it was over!

Yearly Outing for Special Needs Children!

Once again, we were blessed with the companionship of all these precious disabled children from the Sive Nathi Centre. With limited movement, speech, sight, and unable to care for themselves in any way: the dear patients of the Sive Nathi center face severe issues every single day and rarely get a chance to have a change of pace or scenery. It is for this reason we committed to taking them -and the staff that so lovingly cares for them- on a special outing again.

A heart-felt thank you to the volunteers and sponsors who made this event a success. It was a wonderful day, in every way! Matthew 18:10 says “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.”

Unexpected Blessings Spread Far and Wide!

Here you see us sorting through an unexpected large load of fresh food, and dividing it into portions and parcels for centres and families! We are so thrilled! Most of it will be delivered still this evening; and it has been earmarked for:

=Quadriplegic centres
=A local clinic
=Individual families
=Soup kitchens
=An underfunded creche

Education Encouragement

Our back-to-school project last month came with a bit of a surprise. One of the students we were able to help is in a care center. We were shocked to learn she is pregnant, at only 11 years old. On top of this extremely challenging situation she was not able to receive the schooling that she so desperately needs and we were asked to help. She is in 6th Grade and does her schooling in Afrikaans (although she’s quite eager to learn English) We gave her a comprehensive back-to-school pack and a schoolbag but had no books available for her to study, so we put a few lessons together for her ourselves. We spent the next day teaching her and leaving her with some homework, doing the best we could. The VERY NEXT DAY we received as a donation an Afrikaans set of workbooks for 6th Grade in different subjects – in spite of the fact that no one even knew of the need! Such miraculous supply! And along with these wonderful workbooks came one that teaches English as a second language. God is faithful, ALL the time! And it was such a special encouragement of the Lord’s love to our little student.