Faith Trip Outreach!

Four of our team went on a faith trip – to Worcester, Ashton, Heidelberg, George, Mosselbaai, Hartenbos, Port Elizabeth, Grahamstown, Oudtshoorn, Ladismith, and Montegu! The purpose of this trip was twofold; to followup on and minister to many people that we know from previous outreaches – building them up in their faith and personal relationship with Jesus – and to meet new people on the streets, praying, distributing Gospel material, and offering Salvation.
We experienced miracle after miracle, souls saved, followups and long-term ministering, lots of Activated mags, Bibles, and Gospel tracts distributed, and overall just joy and glory to our Lord for every step and victory won!

A Personal Touch…

This sad note from a desperate mother really touched our hearts, and we felt grateful to be able to provide her with a large food parcel – three boxes of fruit, veg, bread, meat, milk, and nonperishables! To see the encouragement and upliftment it brought was wonderful! Once again, we are reminded to count our many blessings, and do our best to reach out to those in need with God’s Love.

Not Comfortless – Supplies for a Displaced Mother

A sad story came to our attention – an elderly mother whose home burned down, with all she owned inside. She is now staying with her daughter, who has little herself, but is trying her best to care for her displaced mother. Thank God, we were able to bring a double bed, cupboard, cleaning supplies, bedding/towels, crockery, an ironing board, heater, and a lot of foodstuffs for them – thus reminding them that Someone cares, and easing the burden on the daughter’s shoulders. We also spent some time speaking with and praying for them. How wonderful to know the truth of and be a part of God’s steadfast promise ” I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you!” (John 14:18)

Support for Firefighters

With the ongoing fire on Table Mountain which has already tragically destroyed heritage sites and forced many to evacuate – as well as put about 150 firefighters into action in an attempt to control it – we are privileged to have been able to assist the firefighters with Vaseline, lip balm, lotions, eye drops, band-aids, tissue paper, health/chocolate bars, energy drinks, and Gospel Activated magazines! Amazingly, some of these very items were donated to us just last week. God is faithful!

Happy Easter!

What a day of rejoicing that must have been when He rose and realized it was all over! He had won the victory, the world was saved! He had accomplished His mission! He had gone through the horrors of Hell for us and death, agony, all of it, and it was over!