Here is an under-60-second video, showcasing the Back-to-School projects and events of February – at which over 450 children received basic supplies, Gospel material, and foodstuffs!
Author: Helping Hand
Back to School Basics for Disadvantaged Learners
Many learners at this disadvantaged school received basic school supply packs – to their great joy! Onward to a new year of learning and progressing!
Infocard Feb 2021
Enjoy seeing a little pictorial overview of February!
100 Learner Packs Plus Admin Supplies for School
At this school project we gave 100 packs for learners at the school + general office supplies for the admin side – envelopes, glue, paper, organizer trays, and more! This school was previously a beneficiary of sports equipment, and we were now able to hear updates on their use and enjoyment of all the items! The principal also proudly shared that their school had a pass rate of 83% this year – well above the national average! Such a privilege to be part of all this, and supplement the principal’s and teacher’s faithful efforts.
Supplies for Schoolkids at Orphanage
We were able to provide 100 school packs for the school-aged children at Baphumelele Home! From grade R to Matric aged, all were SO grateful, as were the teachers and Mama Rosie, the founder. These basic items are making these children’s return to school so much smoother and more exciting!
Back to School Event for Settlement Without Power or Running Water
This very impoverished community just outside Mitchells Plain has no electricity or running water, and their “hall” is a makeshift, old building which they multipurpose for Sunday School, church, and a community gathering centre. We had been looking forward to doing something for them again, and this time, it was Back to School focused…
(Click on Post to Read More)
Treats and Movie for Women in Crisis
As a Valentine’s surprise for the ladies at this centre for unwed mothers, our Helping Hand ladies had a special evening with them – takeout supper, chocolates, a unique faith-building book or Bible for each one, and a movie “on the wall!” The ladies were so grateful for this time of relaxation, love, and reiteration that Jesus knows and cares for each of them perfectly, and -regardless of their personal circumstances – His Friendship and Love will continue beyond Valentines into eternity!
Sunday School Back to School Event
For the children regularly attending our Sunday School in Morningstar settlement off the N7, we had a special event! From grade R to 12, each child received a pack of school supplies, plus a bag of treats, cereal, and fruit! All were thrilled! Something that really stood out to us was how one boy C (often a bit of a rascal) thanked us over and over, really appreciating the gifts and expression of God’s Love. Day by day, heart by heart, change is made.