Please help us get Christmas parcels to 1100 children, that joy and Jesus may be spread this season! Especially with CoViD-19 having put a damper on the spirit of celebration, and many low-income parents unable to give much of anything to their children, we are determined to do what we can to bring joy and Jesus to these dear little ones. Thank you in advance for being a part of it!
Author: Helping Hand
A Little Encouragement for Desperate Families – Food Parcels
Hundreds of men, women, and children in nearby rural areas benefited from these food parcels – fresh fruit, vegetables, and bread for each one. Although we wish we could do so much more, we know that every bit of help, and especially every bit of love, is well worth it and has an impact beyond the immediate.
Harvesting and Distributing 1550kg More Spinach!
We again harvested and distributed a field of spinach – over 1550 kg!
Beneficiaries included soup kitchens all over Cape Town, centres for the disabled, and an orphanage! A big thanks to the farmer who donated it, as well as the volunteers who helped! The day was full of good hard work, camaraderie, and purpose; knowing that many, many hungry people would benefit from fresh, healthy, mineral filled food!
October General Food Distribution
Here you can see general projects and food distribution from October – from food parcels for low-income families to supplies for soup kitchens, centres, orphanages, community creches, and our Sunday School children. Enjoy!
50kg of Flour and Other Supplies for Community Bakery
To assist this community bakery that employs local women as well as supplies bread to the impoverished, we gave them:
50 kg of flour
25L Cooking oil
12 large packs baking powder
Baking paper
Baking foils
Dozens of Large Trays
Edible Cake Decorations
What a privilege to be able to help them, and wonderful to see how overjoyed they were!
Assisting Healthy Eating Event – Food for Over 100 Households
We helped the City of Cape Town and the sisters of the Fisantekraal clinic with a healthy eating event, at which members of over 100 households received potatoes, carrots, cabbage, apples, oranges, and a Gospel Activated magazine! What a joy to be a part of getting out the important message of self-care and proper nutrition. (1 Corinthians 6:19)
Centre Improvements – Items for A Home for Severely Disabled Children
What a blessing to be able to supply Sive Nathi Children’s Home with appliances and items to facilitate their smooth running – a washing machine, a dryer, a small fridge, a heater, an office chair, and some other furniture!
“90% of Our Wish List!” – Fountain of Hope Youth Centre Improvements
It was such a thrill to hear the words, “You’ve just covered 90% of our wish list!” from the house father as we unloaded two vans full of items – heaters, PC screens, a mattress, a bed frame, a sound system, a vacuum cleaner, a printer, couches and chairs, linens, curtains, bedding, a TV, a DVD player, and more! Also, each of the young people and group leaders received an Activated magazine, and we prayed with them, for strength and guidance going forward. We are so full of joy and thankfulness to be able to be the link between all those who donated these items, and fulfilling this wonderful centre’s needs!