We’ve been able to distribute a whole lot of fresh loaves of bread to families in impoverished communities, as well as add bread to the loads of food for centres that care for children, the infirm, and the disabled.
Author: Helping Hand
Materials for Community Startup Business
The ladies at a community startup business were so pleased to receive several large bags of leather pieces, as well as material, mannequins, and hangers, all to use in their making and selling of items to support their families.
500 Parcels for an Impoverished Community
Carrots, Potatoes, Onions, Marrows, Oranges, Apples, Bread, Instant Cereal, Tea, Milk, Sugar, Jimmy Sauce, Bananas, and a Gospel Activated magazine went into parcels for the dear people of this impoverished community. Through the hours of distribution, the tender smiles that dawned when we reminded them – man, woman, teenager, or child- that Jesus loves them, showed us it’s worth it all.
Sudden Blessings – 166 Loaves of Fresh Bread!
How wonderful to see God work! Someone showed up at the mission in the evening with an unexpected donation – 166 loaves of fresh bread! (And just that morning we’d been praying for the ability to reach out to more in need!) The bread went all over, to patients at clinics, quadriplegic centres, a creche, an elderly care centre, and to displaced or homeless individuals. On behalf of all the recipients, our thanks to Jesus and to the kind individual who gave all this bread!
General Distribution of Aid
In addition to specific focuses and projects; picking up, sorting, and distributing foodstuffs to soup kitchens, centres and individuals keeps us busy all week long! We at Helping Hand are 24/7, so whenever some of us take an off day, others keep the ministry going! And whenever help is given, it is given with the message that God’s Love is the reason why; that all may know that they are Known by Him.
VIDEO & PICS: Harvesting and Distributing 2100kg of Spinach!
Over 7 hours harvesting!
The Spinach went to:
– 5 Soup Kitchens
– An Orphanage
– A Home for Disabled Children
– A Quadriplegic Centre
– Parcels for Individual Families
A Huge “Thank You” to the farmer who donated the fresh produce, as well as the extra volunteers who assisted our Helping Hand team in harvesting!
Support for Centre – Mentally and Physically Challenged Children
We have recently assisted this centre (one of our long-term beneficiaries) with multiple loads of foodstuffs, both fresh and non-perishable, as well as Gospel material for the staff members!
Foodstuffs for Community Creche Reopening
It is a true blessing to be able to assist this very underfunded local creche in their reopening efforts by supplying them with foodstuffs! The teachers faithfully take care of 30-40 children, and the food the kids get at creche is sometimes their only good meal of the day.