Moms and Babies! – Parcels at Four Clinics

To give a hand of hope and upliftment to mothers, we visited four clinics in Wellington, Kraaifontein, Fisantekraal, and Brighton, giving special parcels to the moms and their babies! Cereal, fruit, diapers, baby clothes and shoes, toy rattles, lotions, soap, milk, coffee, tea, sugar, and treats all were joyously received! We took time to give each mother a word of encouragement, and remind them that God sees their care and sacrifice for the little ones. It was wonderful!

Women’s Projects + Foodstuffs for Two Communities!

Here you see a project for women’s month at two communities – milk, coffee, tea, sugar, treats, butternut, cabbage, bread, flour, lemons, instant cereal, apples, and Gospel Activated magazines for all! Then, for all the ladies, special hygiene packs, and a chocolate bar!

Each man, woman, and child received their gifts and parcels with so much thankfulness, and the women especially felt special to be recognized as the pillars of their families that they are. One lady – obviously pregnant – came through the line, and humbly asked if she could not have butternut, as she didn’t want to seem ungrateful, but they did not sit well with her stomach during this time. We gladly swapped in other items for her, and were able to bless her with a little extra in the parcel overall! A little thing, but it makes a difference. May we all count our many blessings every day.

Happy Women’s Day!

You may never know just what storm a women is walking through, yet time and again you’ll find her smiling, trusting, and keeping on – lifting up others while she herself is struggling to hold on. A woman of faith is a beautiful thing indeed. Here’s to all such ladies!

CoViD Aid: Isaiah 58:10

We are so thankful to be able to continue helping many in great need; both many families and individuals with parcels, and also care centres, soup kitchens, clinics, orphanages, etc. (Gospel tracts and Activated magazines going into the parcels/to the centres as well!) It is God’s Love in action, and thanks to those who stand behind the scenes making it possible. He sees every selfless deed, and we know He rewards in Joy, Peace, Safety, and Supply.