A Thousand Tubs and More – Ice Cream Surprise

A kindhearted and generous donation of ice cream enabled us to deliver tubs to multiple soup kitchens in Chris Nissan Park, Sir Lowry’s Pass, Temperance, Wallacedene, and Bloekombos informal settlements, as well as Homes of Refuge for Abused Women and Children, Clinics, Quadriplegic centres, Drug rehabs, Homes for Unwed Mothers, Men’s Skill Training Centres, Community Upliftment Initiatives, Elderly Care Homes, Orphanages, Home for Disabled Children, and more! Over 1500 tubs (over 7500L!!!) of ice cream were delivered and distributed or served, much to the joy of many, many, many children and adults who enjoyed a special treat! Many of the centres who received were overwhelmed with gratitude, more than one expressing their wonder that, though they hadn’t known what they could do for their members/the community for Mandela Day, it had now been made very clear!

Parcels for Over One Thousand (1200) Recipients – part 1

Hundreds of individuals in need – older, younger, and all eagerly in anticipation – lined up to receive their parcels. These gifts of love, thanks to those who donated funds or in kind, as well as those that personally packed each one, were a joy to distribute! Between the bags that each recipient took home there was maize, coffee, tea, sugar, fresh bread, lotions, sauce, spices, a cup, oranges, apples, carrots, naartjies, potatoes, a Gospel Activated magazine and a pamphlet!

Part 3: Boots and Shoes – Winter Aid in Three Parts

For those living in broken-down dwellings, tents, or even merely under trees and natural overhangs – and for the adults, needing to walk far to find any work – what a blessing to receive the gift of boots and shoes! The children lined up eagerly, each getting to try on and find a pair that fit nicely. Then the adults, also thrilled at the chance to replace their worn out pairs with quality footwear. In some cases for both children and adults, the new items were their only foot covering. Expectant smiles and satisfied after-inspections joined to make us both happy, and determined once again to reach out as much as we are able. So many live in terrible conditions, and they need help. They need us. And most of all, they need to feel Jesus in action; Love that never lets go.

Part 2: Blankets and Food- Winter Aid in Three Parts

Each man, woman, and child received a brand new warm winter blanket- in a style and colour of their choice! We know these blankets will make a huge difference during the cold and wet days ahead. Then, of course, they got some food items as well! If these dear ones experience even a little extra comfort from their gifts, and remembered that they are Loved, it is worth it all!

Winter Aid in Three Parts – Part 1: Clothing

Thanks to your support (and the donations of warm clothing) we held a “free shop” event for nearly 200 people in need. We had sufficient clothes for each person to be able to select several items, including scarves, jackets, jerseys, and more! With the cold and wet weather upon us, and considering that most of these dear ones live in tents or broken down dwellings, you can imagine that they each received their personal armload of clothes most appreciatively!

Help for Victims of Gender Based Violence

We heard a heartrending story, of a mother who just got out of a terrible abusive situation, and although her and her kids (including a baby) have a roof over their heads, they have almost nothing else. With heavy yet determined hearts we searched through our supplies, and were so grateful to be able to make a large food parcel for her and the kids, as well as a hamper of kids clothes, baby clothes, nappies, baby wipes, blankets, creams, pillows, Gospel material, and more! God, the Ultimate Loving Father, is capable of providing for His children, and though this dear lady and her children found themselves seemingly alone, Jesus raised up help for them!