Bibles and Parcels to Express Our Heavenly Father’s Love

The night before, we prepared parcels and sandwiches, as well as a quantity of Bibles. We took the older group to one side, and explained again the importance of connecting with Jesus through the Bible and how it is all about His Love for us, and how we can love both Him and others! Then each one got their own Bible, in the language of their preference, marked with their name, the date, and some passages to start with. Some immediately began reading, with obvious delight!

Educational Supplies For Library and Foodstuffs for 16 Soup Kitchens Setups

This week we brought educational books, puzzles, and special protective book wrap rolls for the Hotspot Library run by Terrence. He founded it on the intersection of two gang territories to provide education and a haven to the local children. Many of them come five days a week. He and his small team also run small localized soup kitchens on 16 streets in Kraaifontein; thus helping many needy while eliminating long central queues in time of CoViD-19. This time we brought fresh foodstuffs, meat, and a gas burner to help facilitate!

Youth Day – Winter Projects Prep

Here you see the young people of Helping Hand sorting and folding winter items in preparation for upcoming projects! As we said in this post: With winter upon us, we feel especially burdened for all of these who have so little and suffer greatly in the wet and cold. (On top of the economic hardship and loss inflicted by CoViD-19 and lock-down restrictions) If you or anyone you know would like to be a part of uplifting these dear ones, we welcome either financial contributions or blankets, boots, and winter clothes! You can contact us on 072 443 7846 to organize dropping off or collection.

CoViD-19 Aid – Not Abated

The need is more than ever, with the government estimating 30% of families don’t have food to eat, and no money to get some. To add insult to injury, the unemployment rate may rise as high as 50% following this crisis. We are doing our best with limited resources to reach out with Christ’s Love and a hand of care to those in such need. In addition to individual aid parcels prepared, packed, and distributed in our daily workflow, projects such as soup kitchens, elderly care homes, orphanages, creches, quadriplegic centres, and farm community food drives are being assisted 5-6 days a week. The need isn’t slowing down, and neither are we!

In Rain and Cold – Appeal for Winter Blankets and Clothes

With winter upon us, we feel especially burdened for all of these who have so little and suffer greatly in the wet and cold. (On top of the economic hardship and loss inflicted by CoViD-19 and lock-down restrictions) If you or anyone you know would like to be a part of uplifting these dear ones, we welcome either financial contributions or blankets, boots, and winter clothes! (And of course, non-perishable foodstuffs are always much needed, as we have made over 1500 aid parcels thus far during lockdown, and the need has not abated.)

Hundreds of Aid Parcels for Two Communities

At both communities, the people were so grateful and overwhelmed; hardly believing that, yes, there was not just a parcel for each man, woman, and child, but in fact TWO! One kind younger member of the second community directed us to some elderly ladies and gentlemen living down a winding dirt road, and they benefited too! We also explained to all the reason behind the help; that God loves them and has not forgotten them. So many smiles, and such a privilege to be able to uplift them in these extremely trying times.

CoViD-19 Aid: Marking Progress Two Months In

-1250+ aid parcels distributed
-900+ Activated Gospel magazines given out
-We sewed and distributed 400+ cloth masks
-In addition to individual parcels, projects such as soup kitchens, elderly care homes, orphanages, creches, and farm community food drives have been assisted 5-6 days a week.
-We have personally recorded inspirational audio messages and sent them to over 1300 individuals daily (more than 78 000 people reached since March 26th)
-We continue to hold nightly prayer vigil as a team, as we have done for years. We have seen wonderful and powerful answers to prayer, and know that prayer is a major part of upholding our country and others in these tough times!