June Relief – Overview

During the month of June, we have noticed a sad trend – growing weariness and hopelessness in the face of grim news, dire long-term predictions, and loss of oppurtunities or ability for many to support themselves and their families. Many who were holding on for a breakthrough have become desperate, and truly need some care and upliftment. Thank you to those of you who back us up in prayers and support; you are a part of bringing real Hope to these dear men, women, and children. Regardless of colour or background, the heart of all longs for love and to feel noticed, and in many ways throughout June, we were blessed to be able to fulfill that longing in some way. Everything may change around us, but He is constant, and will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5,8)

Supplies and Blankets for a Large Orphanage!

We have been working with Baphumelele Orphanage and Centre in Khayelitsha for over 10 years, and have always been impressed with how much they do with whatever they receive. Between the children at the orphanage and the elderly in their care home they have more than 170 dependents. They also provide transport to hospital for some of the most vulnerable members of the community during these times.

Mama Rosie Mashale (founder and head of Baphumelele) has a real heart for the community (she still lives there) and is constantly improving and expanding her efforts. Thanks to generous sponsors, we are thrilled to have been able to provide them with a large quantity of foodstuffs, (both fresh and longer-lasting) as well as extra blankets for the children!

Goods and Gospel for Rehab Centre

The small leadership team at this rehab centre is doing an amazing job, and the men going through the process of recovery are so kind and forthcoming. We brought them toiletry packs, clothes, shoes, and a variety of foodstuffs – both staples and special treats! They also deeply enjoyed personal copies of “Who Cares” (encouraging messages from Jesus) and many issues of the Activated Gospel magazine.

Care Centre for Disabled Kids Gets Stock Delivered

We brought much needed supplies to the Sive Nathi Care Centre for disabled children, for which they were so very grateful!
Upon arrival we were heartbroken to learn that one of the children had passed away suddenly just that morning. Thankfully, we had the time to stay and speak to the staff to encourage them, and also pray with them; comforting them with the assurance that for this precious boy his suffering is over, and he is safe in the arms of Jesus. It was a moving time for us and them.

Special Parcels for Hundreds!

What a joy and privilege to be right there, seeing the light of wonder in these dear one’s eyes as they came up to receive special parcels – a large pack of chicken, flour, and eggs each, as well as apples and sandwiches for immediate enjoyment! They also got a Gospel Activated magazine to take home. With full bags, they walked away, some of the younger ones cheerfully struggling under their load, and everyone happy!

Bibles and Parcels to Express Our Heavenly Father’s Love

The night before, we prepared parcels and sandwiches, as well as a quantity of Bibles. We took the older group to one side, and explained again the importance of connecting with Jesus through the Bible and how it is all about His Love for us, and how we can love both Him and others! Then each one got their own Bible, in the language of their preference, marked with their name, the date, and some passages to start with. Some immediately began reading, with obvious delight!