Continued CoViD-19 Relief…

Continued aid parcels for families, foodstuffs for elderly homes, soup kitchens, and orphanages, (and Gospel Activated magazines too) going out day by day, thanks to those of you who back us up in prayer and support! What a privilege to be here, on the ground, showing His love and care to those in great need.

Appreciation for Nurses! – Love in time of CoViD-19

For Nurses Day, we packed “appreciation parcels” for 200 nurses between four clinics – comprised of a little box of chocolates, an Activated magazine, and a thank you card specifically designed for these special men and women. The children got involved too, working enthusiastically in order to “make the sweet nurses happy!”

These dear ones labour long hours and process a huge number of patients, many of whom need comfort, counsel, or special care. And in these very uncertain times, with the threat of CoViD-19 tearing through our nation, they remain on the “front lines”, putting themselves at risk for the good of others. Yet they continue on cheerfully and faithfully, helping those who can’t help themselves. The surprise and thankfulness on their faces as they received their “Nurses Appreciation” was truly satisfying!

Happy Mother’s Day!

A mother is one unlike any other. When we think about it, every day is a mother’s day. Every day around the world, hundreds of thousands of babies are brought into the world – by mothers. Every morning, millions of children wake up and experience a mother’s care, and in most households mother’s goodnight kiss brings peace and closure to busy days. Mothers are the universal epitome of unconditional love.

CoViD-19 Relief: Another 200 Parcels!

We prepacked and distributed these 200 aid parcels – plus sandwiches and a treat of chocolate eggs – to families in this settlement off the N7, to try to ease their extreme plight during CoViD-19 Lockdown. They were so desperate, it was difficult for them to keep waiting patiently, yet we know these little touches of care will make a difference!

CoViD-19 Aid: Parcels for Hundreds of Families

We prepacked parcels for over 500 people at Kliphuewel settlement – who have been suffering greatly during the national lockdown, and need all the help they can get. Young and older, one by one they came up (due to social distancing guidelines we had a constant separate procession) and received a parcel with fresh fruit and vegetables, pap, stock cubes, tissue paper, tea, and a Gospel magazine. It was, as always, a blessing to us to be able to be there, and we know that just as much as the physical help, the knowledge that they are remembered will continue to uplift them.

CoViD-19 Relief: Sandwiches for Soup Kitchen

As we mentioned before, in addition to individual family food parcels, We bring food to a large soup kitchen almost every day. Pastor Nanda told us just weeks ago: There have been times I am almost forced to divide a bread roll between two children, just so everyone can have something. Also, much of our food supplies have stopped due to lockdown, so what you bring keeps us going and gives so, so many their daily food!” This time, Pastor Nanda was so grateful to receive (on top of the regular load of food items) 150 sandwiches – made with love by some friends of Helping Hand – plus apples and oranges (See video) How sweet and thankful! Praise God!

CoViD-19 Relief: And the Need Goes On…

It has been estimated that up to 25% of South African households (not limited to informal settlements!) are without money to buy food. This is absolutely heartbreaking, and as followers of Christ, we feel compelled to do what we can, even if it seems little in the face of overwhelming need.
We have been continuing our collection and distribution of fresh foods and goods during lockdown – while observing all possible practices for hygiene and social distancing for the protection of ourselves and others. To date since lockdown began we have distributed over 5700kg of fresh food – meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and bread, plus staples like rice, flour, sugar, tins, maize, tissue paper, and more!

HomeRun for the Homeless Success!

For all of you who participated in the HomeRun for the Homeless Initiative – organized by STS – a huge and grateful “Thank You! It exceeded expectations and was also truly an encouragement to our whole full-time team; we have at times felt overwhelmed recently. So thank you!
We will now be able to purchase foodstuffs and then pack and bring desperately needed aid parcels to two locations (over 700 people) that we could not assist much during lockdown up to now due to lack of funds. This is SO wonderful and we are excited to press forward with helping as many as possible.