Let’s call on the beautiful power Name of our deepest Friend and only Saviour Jesus Christ! “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19) Let us most of all pray for Salvation for those who have not yet received Jesus into their daily lives – for decisions to be made that will echo in eternity! For those of us who know Him, it is clear what we must do in these times; be lights in darkness, examples of steadfast faith amidst swirling fear, and testifiers of how great our Lord is! He is with us through the dark valleys now, and shall receive us in Heaven hereafter! Spread the Good News!
Author: Helping Hand
Hard Working Providers Receive New Shoes
50 men and women – working hard at low-income jobs to provide for their families – received a pair of new shoes! How thankful they were, and though even beautiful shoes are a small reward compared to the sacrifices they make for their loved ones, still the gift reminded them that Someone sees and cares.
Sive Nathi Event 2020 – Outing for Disabled Children
On Friday, we were once again blessed with the companionship of all these precious disabled children from the Sive Nathi Centre.
A heart-felt thank you to the volunteers and sponsors who made this event a success. It was a wonderful day, in every way! Matthew 18:10 says “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.”
Declaration of Intention in These Times of Crisis
The massive charity outreach of Helping Hand depends directly on God’s physical supply to us through donated goods. So, concerning our Charity Outreach, like they say: “T’s and C’s apply.”
HOWEVER, our calling to spread the Gospel is based only on God’s UNconditional COMMANDMENT to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.
In light of the present emergency conditions, we want to clarify our commitment to OUR/YOUR Ministry…
Teaching Handwashing Techniques
We took time to teach these dear kids proper handwashing techniques, to help them in staying clean and doing their part to prevent disease daily. They are such fast learners!
Fear Thou Not (Isaiah 41:13)
There are many promises in God’s Word we can hold on to. Promises of supply, of comfort, and of protection. With fear and panic spreading around the globe almost faster than the (CoViD -19) Corona Virus, we would like to ask everyone to join us in prayer.
Furniture for Elderly Care Home
It seems that the right things come at the right times, and for the right people – the only explanation being that God has a plan, and we’re blessed to fulfill it in the ways we can! This time, we delivered donated couches to Tehuis – a severely underfunded elderly care centre – in which over 150 patients live and are cared for. They will certainly make use of this furniture!
ECD – Creche, Orphanage, and Care Centre
At a children’s home in Khayelitsha, run by three-time CNN “Woman of the Year” winner Rosie Mashale, we brought items for our Early Childhood Development focus this month. Some went to her baby centre, others to the main educare creche, and each one was received with joy! We were even able to hand out some of the books to the young children in creche class, personally experiencing their thankful smiles and excitement!