A leader in the Scotsdene community (we’ll call him T) asked us to assist him by driving 20 children from troubled homes to a special football outing. (fives futbol venue) We met him and the kids by a plot of “no-man’s land” between gang territories, and they climbed into our two vans and T’s car. After a prayer for safety, good sportsmanship, and fun, we were off! Upon arrival, the kids joyously spilled unto the fields, and we soon had action! Mike, David, and Chris were even able to join in, adding to the teams. Later, back to the dropoff point again, with the boys shaking each of our hands with thankful smiles as they said goodbye. We’re so glad to have been able to help T to bring a little love and fun into the boys’ day, and commend him for doing all he can, right where he is.
Author: Helping Hand
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year with all blessings to you and yours!
Open House and Visitation on Christmas Day
As part of our Celebration, we focused on bringing the spirit of Christmas – God’s Love – to as many as possible. Together with some of our good friends and volunteers, (who gave part of their Christmas to help us, bless them) we put up an invite sign on our gate and served a special meal – complete with dessert – to anyone who came in.
Another team packed trays of food into a car, and drove around the neighborhood, serving food to those in need. One young man lit up with a huge smile when we offered him his meal, saying “you have no idea how hungry I am! I didn’t even think I’d get something to eat today!” We were so grateful to be there on the ground, spreading Christmas Love to these dear ones.
Others took a meal to the local police and fire stations; a small way to thank these community servants for all they do throughout the year.
Christmas Even at the Clinic
The children of Helping Hand took goodies and Activated Gospel magazines to the patients and nurses at a local clinic; bringing some Christmas Joy and Love into their day! The little ones wished each person “Merry Christmas” and “Jesus loves you!”
Jesus was God’s gift to the world, not just for Christmas, but for every single day –your whole life through–for all eternity, for every need that you will ever have. HAVE A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS!
Christmas Time – A Special Event for 400 Children!
We organized an event for 300 children in Elsiesrivier, Cape Town, and brought along extra toys and sweets, just in case. In the end, there was enough for the almost 450 children who showed up – praise God! Each child got apples, a toy, a goodie bag of sweeties, and a kids Activated magazine with stories and activities. We also showed a Gospel video and Angela shared the story of Christmas with all the children – the whole group then accepting Jesus as their personal Saviour! What a happy day!
Christmas at Sunday School
For the children who attend our weekly Sunday School at this informal settlement, elements of Christmas that we take for granted – such as snacks and gifts – are often not part of their experience. That’s why we had such a good time giving each of them goodie bags with tasty treats, a Christmas colouring page, and a toy for each one!
Hundreds of Families Experience Christmas Joy
As we set out tables-full of food, treats, and toys- the men, women, and children of the Klipheuwel informal settlement listened to us explain the reason for our visit. ” It’s Christmas time, Jesus’ Birthday, and He is the only One Who gave the gift of Himself. He is Love personified.” Wonderfully, 250 of those gathered then accepted Jesus as their Forever Friend and Saviour! After the prayer we proceeded to fill their bags with food items and treats for Christmas, as well as giving a special toy to each child. There were mealies and meat, apples, potatoes, onions, bread, and ice lollies, goodie bags, Gospel material, cuddles and board games and dolls and cars and more and more!!!