Women’s Day Projects

For Women’s Day we wanted to show love and appreciation to women in the ways they like best. We thought of three things; give something beautiful, eat something yummy, and do something fun! So we gave a lovely scarf, bottle of lotion, and other hygiene products to the women patients of two government clinics, in addition to fresh fruit for all patients. Certain ladies also received a lovely handbag, which they thrilled to. And everyone was left with an inspirational Activated magazine and “Jesus loves you!” Then a group of ladies from a crisis centre were treated to a special tea, complete with delicious snacks! They were each given a goodie bag with hygiene care products and other gifts- a welcome and extra delight! Little Sam was a total hit and charmingly gifted each lady with a smile as he handed out the presents. These ladies truly need every bit of love and care they can get; we are thankful to know and help them. Angela takes time to personally encourage and minister to each lady during her weekly devotions with them – as well as over the phone. Particular credit also goes to the house “mother” and social workers, who dedicate time and affection to each of the girls as if they were their own. God bless them.

Warm Items for Winter

On this cold and wet winter’s day, we drove around the neighbourhood and around Cape Town Centre with special gifts ready – winter clothing items! Carlos, a fellow missionary from Brazil, helped us distribute them. The homeless people we met were grateful recipients of scarves, beanies, sweaters, and blankets! Some of them we were able to pray for right on the spot, and each was given an Activated magazine with faith-building articles, our details, and a simple Salvation message. In fact, six of these dear individuals gave their lives to Jesus, accepting Him as Lord, Saviour, and Forever Friend! Our thanks go to our friends and sponsors, without whom these dear ones would have faced a far more difficult winter’s night.    

Cottage Industry Assistance

We supplied this cottage industry project – a method of sustainable income for the local ladies – with large bags of leather off-cuts for use in crafts, earrings, and more. They also make blankets and other clothing items, so were thrilled to receive a very impressive knitting machine (complete with boxes of wool) to streamline such work. Here you see them looking over the knitting machine manual and with the donated leather and wool.

Change the World – Projects of 18th July 2019

On the 18th of July, we partnered with two local businesses to bring some love and cheer to the residents of Klein Akker – a mixed settlement with over 100 families in dire need.

Another team went to an underprivileged creche, bringing each child their own Afrikaans character-building story and colouring book. We also had some large fun and educational toys for all of them to enjoy, and which they immediately began playing with!

Porridge and Faith

The nearly 50 kids at our Sunday School got a full bowl of warm porridge, along with their faith-building message and fun activities. As we know that faith without works is dead,(James 2:26) we are thankful to be able to show the Love we teach them about in little ways like this meal.