Greyton Outreach -Small Town, Big Miracles

Our first outreach in Greyton was last year February, and this follow-up visit was a great victory. We were able to visit some of those that we ministered to last year, as well as meet many new faces. One and all, they received a Gospel message and “Jesus loves you!” – with some asking for on-the-spot prayer and others making the decision to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour!

Nurses Week

For Nurses Week, we packed 120 “appreciation parcels” comprised of a little box of chocolates, an Activated magazine, and a thank you card specifically designed for these dear men and women.

Fun and Food at Sunday School

The children eagerly ate, some finishing their bowls within minutes. Our hearts bled to see some others who (due to often having little to eat and thus stomachs not used to a large portion) were unable to finish their bowl at once. We had them take it home with them, so that they could benefit more even later…

Centre Improvements

In addition to providing food items on a regular basis, we were grateful to be able to divide between these centres chairs, heaters, desks, a bathtub, two portable swimming pools, a TV, dozens of blinds, a baby cot, baby changing table, linoleum rolls, office furniture, rubbish bins, mirrors, a dryer, mop buckets, bales of tissue paper, plastic cups and jugs, carpets…