Being bound to a wheelchair for the last 22 years hasn’t stopped him from pushing towards his goals; and in recognition of his boundless cheerfulness and perseverance we were so pleased to be able to provide him with a desktop computer – complete with office, audio, and educational programs, as well as…
Author: Helping Hand
Showing Love to the Elderly – Easter Project
To help share the Love of Easter, a few of the children of Helping Hand visited a home for the elderly, bringing cookies, chocolates, inspirational Activated magazines, hugs, and smiles! The reactions were so heart-warming and the kids’ cheerful “Happy Easter!” echoed inside room after room…
The Cross Has Made You Flawless – Sunday School Easter Project
For Easter Sunday School, we showed a short video that explained the story of Jesus’ Life and Resurrection. Then we expounded on the message of the Gospel, and invited any of the children who hadn’t previously accepted Christ with us to do so. Wonderfully, seven children prayed right there and gave their hearts to Jesus! We look forward to seeing them grow up in faith, just as the other long-term students are…
Presents for Women in Crisis – Easter Project
Angela and Michelle brought the ladies from a home for unwed mothers (We lead a weekly Bible study there) special gifts for Easter! Each one received a gift bag with chocolates, an Easter Activated magazine, and a book with messages of praise to Jesus. (Note: faces blurred to protect privacy)
He is Risen! Easter Morning at Helping Hand
This morning, at sunrise, our whole team gathered at the ‘empty tomb’ to celebrate Jesus’ wonderful victory over death. The children, especially, were awed and inspired by this simple re-enactment of History’s Most Glorious Morning!
Happy Easter 2019!
The resurrection was proof that God had indeed entered into the world in a new way, through His Son.For the disciples then, and for us now, Easter is the bedrock of Christian faith and hope.The early disciples, while initially faced with crushed hopes due to their expectations, soon came to see that because Jesus arose, what He did, said, and promised are true. That carries down through history to us today.– Peter Amsterdam
Blessed Good Friday 2019
When Jesus died on the cross as an executed criminal, in the eyes of the Jewish people this made Him a failed Messiah, as He had promised the kingdom and didn’t come through. But three days later, when He rose from the dead, that picture changed completely. The truth of His Messiahship was evident to those who would accept it. He completed His mission by taking our sins upon Himself and thus reconciling us to God. This mission required His death, but once it was completed, God raised Him from the dead, and in doing so showed the world His approval of what Jesus had done. Thank God for His Grace!-Peter Amsterdam
KKNK 2019 – Testimonies!
(Testimonies from Mike, David, Chris, and Amy)
I met a young guy working in the parking lot as an attendant and was busy speaking to him about the Lord’s love and plan for his life when a rough looking character approached…