Each of the ladies at a centre for women in crisis (at which we host weekly Bible studies) received a box of chocolates, red roses gift-wrapped, and a Activated magazine with a special message of love and encouragement from Jesus. For these ladies, with so much going on in their lives and so many decisions to make, we are glad to be able to remind them that Love and forgiveness is always available, and they are valued. (here is the message they were each given.) My love is unconditional. I love without partiality. I love the unlovely and the difficult to love. I love the sad and the lonely. I love those who are struggling and those who are lost and confused. My love is enduring, patient, and unfailing. It knows no limits and has no stopping place. My love will go the distance to bring one lost, lonely, wounded soul through to victory. Of course, you have weaknesses and shortcomings, but I don’t love you any less because of them. No matter what condition you are in, I love you. My love doesn’t depend on you having a glowing record. Don’t ever think that I love you any less because you aren’t all that you would like to be or think you should be. When I look at you, I see My creation that I love, and I love you just the way I made you. —Jesus
Author: Helping Hand
Back to School – Morningstar Settlement
School-aged children from the Morningstar informal settlement off the N7 were thrilled to gather for a school-prep event. We played games, laughing, jumping, and enjoying every minute; then each child got a bag of school supplies and lunchbox to use throughout the year, as well as a healthy food parcel. What a privilege to be able to represent Jesus by helping them in this way.
Back to School – Hotspot Library Project
Working together with a dear man from the community who runs The Hotspot Library that we’ve previously assisted, we held an event to present 48 children (handpicked by him) with schoolbags, high-quality folders, pens, pencils, exam pads and notebooks, as well as lunchboxes to use through the year. Then, each of the children received a little parcel of food and snacks, to start them off on a joyful note!
100+ Bags of Clothing
We’ve sorted and distributed over 100 bags of donated clothing – as well as many other household items and necessities. What a blessing to so many – men, women, and children – and reminder of God’s willingness to provide the needs of those who trust Him.
Christmas Day Open House and Visitation
As part of our Celebration, we focused on bringing the spirit of Christmas – God’s Love – to as many as possible. Together with some of our good friends and regular volunteers, (who gave part of their Christmas to help us, bless them) we put up an invite sign on our gate and served a special meal – complete with dessert – to anyone who came in. They “ahhhhhed” in wonder when large, full plates were placed in front of them, and smiled gratefully when we brought them second servings, and even pudding! We sat with these dear ones as they slowly ate and savoured each bite. What a reminder to be thankful for our blessings, not least of which is having enough to eat. We were also able to give each one a special goodie bag to take with them. Their hugs and smiles warmed our hearts, and their happy, positive attitudes amazed us. Best of all, one of our regular volunteers helped us to lead six of these dear men to Jesus, and each one received a Gospel of John to build their faith! Another team packed trays of food into a car, and drove around the neighbourhood, serving food to those in need. Others took a meal to the local police and fire stations; a small way to thank these community servants for all they do throughout the year. It was a blessed day, full of joy and love, which is all we could wish for on Christmas. Jesus Christ said in the Bible “As much as you have done unto the least of these my brothers and sisters, you have done it unto Me” (Matthew 25:40)
Farm Community Christmas
For the many (predominantly white and coloured) families of Klein Akker, Christmas might not have come at all if not for this special event! In their Kraaifontein farm informal settlement, they live an extremely hard life, with barely even their basic needs met. Because of this, they can tend to feel disheartened, forgotten, or even worthless. In addition to helping them with foodstuffs throughout the year, for Christmas we wanted to remind them that God does care, and loves them greatly. Thus, this event, in which each person received a parcel of foodstuffs – carrots, oranges, bread, fruit bars, potatoes, and gemsquash! In addition to the fresh food, for the adults there were pens as a special extra, and the children each got a lovely donated goodie bag, as well as a full bag of popcorn! What sweet and precious people, and how glad we are to bring Christmas Love to them in this way.
Love Came Down at Christmas
As we set out tables-full of food, treats, and toys- the men, women, and children of the Klipheuwel informal settlement listened to us explain the reason for our visit. ” It’s Christmas time, Jesus’ Birthday, and He is the only one who gives gifts to others on His special day. He is Love personified” After a prayer we proceeded to fill their bags with food and treats for Christmas, as well as giving a special toy and bag of sweets and snacks to each child. Afterwards, all around us children were playing and parents were smiling – and we were grateful for the opportunity to help a little bit of Jesus’ love to come down for these dear people this Christmas.