As an initiative of a local community leader, about 50 children from disadvantaged backgrounds were treated to a day of fun at Bug’s Play Place as a Christmas gift. And play they did! Enjoying every minute they were there. They were thrilled to receive the presents and goodie bags we brought for them; crowding around us to see what more was in store for them. We also left yogurt and popcorn for them to take home at the end of the day. And in return for these gifts, we were blessed with their sweet and enthusiastic ‘Merry Christmas!’ God bless this dear man who shares what little he has, even taking on an extra job to finance his efforts to improve these children’s lives.
Author: Helping Hand
Christmas Cheer for Women in Crisis
What a privilege to be able to treat the pregnant ladies (of the center we assist weekly) out for a special breakfast. Not only did they enjoy the outing but they were so touched and surprised to also get a bag with goodies and a Christmas present. It’s always amazing for us to see these ladies being so cheerful and positive in spite of their difficult circumstances, and we were glad to be able to bring them some Christmas Cheer this season. (Note: Faces blurred to protect privacy)
Christmas Joy for Disabled Children and Their Caretakers
We had a wonderful time interacting with and giving gifts to the children of the Sive Nathi care centre. These children are severely mentally and physically disabled, and have very little opportunity to enjoy life in the ways we are accustomed to: walking, dressing themselves; even talking is almost impossible. For this event, each child received their own soft toy to enjoy, and a local family volunteered to help us; bringing along some bubble blowing bottles to entertain the kids, as well as yogurt and custard. So much laughter and many smiles, with each child of Sive Nathi getting something they liked! Even E – a young man who has been at the centre for many years – got his own remote controlled car, which he says he will take out to the park. The bubbles especially were a huge hit and the children loved watching them float around and attempting to pop them. We were able to spend personal time with the kids, just loving them up and watching them respond to that love. Also, for the special men and women who care for the children, a gift bag full of Christmas treats and presents! Always smiling, singing, and so positive; they care for these young cerebral palsy patients with so much love and patience that we felt honoured to present them with this token of thanks. Thank you to our sponsors for making Christmas special for these faithful staff members! “My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others.” ―Bob Hope
Sunday School – Christmas Event!
For our Sunday School kids at Morningstar settlement off the N7, we planned something special for Christmas! Throughout the year, we do weekly activities, Bible lessons, colouring pages, games, songs, and a snack. This time, we watched the Christmas story, and then explained it in detail; offering for all the children whom we hadn’t previously led to Christ to accept Him, right there! And 11 little lives received the Saviour! This Christmas, each one got their own colouring book – full of Bible story pages – as well as a ball and a bag of goodies! They were all so thankful, and we’re very pleased to see not only the physical impact but especially their spiritual growth and coming to Jesus!
A Personalized Christmas – Presents, Snacks, and Games!
For the little ones at Jack and Jill creche, Christmas came early this year! In fact, for some of them, the sad truth is these might be the only presents they get. So we are happy to have been able to do this event! We arrived, and set up some music, then played several games with all the kids, with their laughter and sometimes shrieks of joy filling the room! Then, we told the story of Christmas and explained the reason for it all, and 27 of the children accepted Jesus as their Forever Friend and personal Saviour! Hallelujah! And there’s more! Each child received a personal gift, tailored to their gender and age, and with their name written on it! So excitedly were the presents opened, the toys gasped at, and the playing commenced! Smiles exchanged from one child to the other as they compared gifts, or set up a group to play together with dolls, cars, tools, or whatever they had. How lovely to be able to see their faces, and know that THEY KNOW that Someone loves them this Christmas season. As a bonus, each of the staff members were given a Christmas hamper with some staples and goodies to enjoy! They told us tearfully “nobody ever brings US something.” We were so touched, and grateful to bring them – who work so willingly to teach the children- some Christmas cheer as well.
World AIDS Day – Nutrition Parcels
For World AIDS Day, we brought nutritious fruits, vegetables, bread, and yoghurt – together with Gospel tracts – to a local clinic as well as an underprivileged creche. We were able to join in with the clinic’s event (in which they offer counseling, treatment, and raise awareness) by providing each patient with a food parcel, reminding them that no matter what circumstances you are in or what you’re facing, God’s Love is always and forever there for you.
Sunday School – Jesus Loves the Children
This morning at our Sunday School in the Morningstar informal settlement, we spoke on Jesus’ Love for children, and how He never sends any of us away if we come to Him. And wonderfully, many of these precious ones are coming, week after week! (Matthew 19:14, Matthew 18:3)
Moms and Babies Clinic Care Parcels
After many hours of sorting, packing, and labeling, we had teams go out to three different clinics, gifting mothers and babies with care parcels – nappies, clothes, shoes, blankets, rattles, and more! Many grateful mothers received these gifts of love; enabling them and their little child to face tomorrow with just a little more assurance.