Over 150 individuals gathered in a community hall in Scotsdene, each one able to browse through our “free shop” setup and pick out clothes and shoes to try on. Joyfully, they took them home! It is our privileged to be able to assist these desperately needy families. For most of them, transport, school, and food come first, and thus clothes are a huge and extra blessing!
Author: Helping Hand
Sunday School – Story of Easter
The children at Sunday School heard the story of Easter, and the message of Salvation behind it all. They eagerly coloured their pages, and at the end each received their own pack of hot cross buns, even the snack thus representing Jesus’ sacrifice. What a joyous time we had together!
KKNK Outreach 2018
Our four person team is presently at the KKNK in Oudtshoorn, spreading the message of Jesus’ Love to any and all who will receive it! It has been exciting and blessed so far. Please keep them in prayer in the next days- for continued great victories of salvation, miracles, Gospel spread, protection on the roads, financial supply, good health, and a wonderful time of blessings overall! Thank you so much! (More pictures and testimonies soon to follow.)
Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day
We celebrated World Down Syndrome day by treating Timothy, our wonderful Down Syndrome Helping Hand member, to a delicious banana split. Timothy (22), is an intregal part of our work and loves to help wherever and whenever he can. From doing dishes, to gardening, to distributing food, and spending time cheering up children, he’s always a real helping hand to the rest of our team. We know that God has a specific plan for each of us and we celebrate the plans for His special Down Syndrome children today.
News from Mexico: Joining in on Upliftment Project
(From Chris and Ester) While here in Mexico visiting family, we were privileged to be able to join in on one of Ester’s parent’s upliftment projects affecting several disadvantaged communities. Babies, elderly, and all inbetween were able to pick out clothes, shoes, and toys. The children’s thrilled faces when seeing their new toy and understanding that it was really theirs to keep warmed our hearts and made us smile. Each person also received a salvation tract and a beautiful poster with a Psalm on it. As we sang hymns and Gospel songs in Spanish, prayed for families, and even shared a simple meal of tortillas, meat, and eggs, we were clearly reminded that all of us, wherever on earth we are, are part of God’s family and extremely loved. God bless these faithful missionaries in Mexico for doing their part to show That Love.
Lesotho Mission Trip!
During February, Frank and his Dad were able to join Romano, a fellow missionary, on a mission trip to Lesotho. He was joining them to be at the opening and inauguration of a new school building in a remote mountain area; built at the request of the chief after he received Salvation and realized anew the importance of caring for his people. (How the school was miraculously funded and built in just a year and a half is a whole other story!) The trip there was not easy and at one time it took over four hours just to travel 90 kms. But when the team arrived there, the local mountain people were overjoyed to see them and some of them even moved out of their simple homes to accommodate the visiting missionaries. As it turned out, the creche still needed some finishing touches and they all got to work painting and varnishing the walls, doors, and windows of the small building. Romano had previously visited this area and has helped put up a school building for primary school children there. This time, after a request from the local people from a neighbouring village, a small creche for smaller children was built. The opening of the school was a major event, with people coming from far over the hills, the local women performing a welcoming dance, many speeches, and a special meal for all! These precious people generously sharing the very best of the little they have. We were grateful to be able to be a part of this exciting outreach!
University Outreach
We spent a wonderful afternoon talking to, and praying with, many students on the university campus. Listening to the many questions, answering, praying, and generally just having time to spend with the students made for a great afternoon. We gave Bibles to those who requested them, prayed with 16 students to receive Jesus as their personal Saviour, and prayed for many personal requests.