Once again, we were privileged to celebrate another year of serving others, with the help of the Lord and our dear friends! The children were shining stars; performing beautifully and reciting a meaningful poem. Tim, David, Stefanie, and Amy also added much with singing, musical accompaniment, and stage presence. Then there was the Highlights 2017 video – projects and outreaches overview, and to wrap it all up, eats, drinks, and fellowship! Our thanks go to each and every one of you who made the event possible, and who continually make the work possible through your help. God bless you!
Author: Helping Hand
Fresh Food – Fruit, Veg, and Bread!
Hundreds of families got a food parcel containing vegetables, fruit, and several bread rolls – as well as a Gospel tract! Feeding is necessary yet temporary; our main goal is to give hope and transform lives! Thank you Lord for the ability to show your Love and Salvation to those less fortunate.
Strongman Run!
Thanks to a dear friend who helped us with tickets, four of us (Francis, Mike, Chris, and David) were able to participate in a very special event – the Fisherman’s Friend Strongman Run! The 15km route contains 30 obstacles – mud slopes, river crossings, nets, tyres, foam pools, and even piles of tomatoes to navigate through. All four crossed the finish line together, cementing both achievement and friendship in triumphant completion! It was such an incredible experience and we are so thankful to have been able to be a part of it. The verse “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14) now has more meaning than ever before! Just like living a life for God; it’s not easy, and it takes discipline, hard work, and perseverance. But know for certain, it’s worth it!
Settlers of Catan – a Community Outreach
At another community initiative, Mike helped teach the staff how to play a recently acquired educational board game, which they will be using for game nights and activities for the youth. This will help to keep them off the streets and occupied with positive input. (From Mike) I was in the area to contact the man who runs the mobile library we recently assisted. A friend had asked us to approach him with the idea of starting a soup kitchen there. Finding the library closed, I saw the community centre just next door and figured they might have his contact details. I drove in, introduced myself and asked if they had T’s cell phone number. Thankfully, they did! As I was turning to leave, my eyes espied upon one of my family’s favorite board game, Settlers of Catan, sitting there brand new! Excitedly, I asked how in the world did they acquire this. To the best of my knowledge, this game is only played in America. He laughed, and said: “Thank God you know it! Nobody here knows how to play this game! We asked the man who ordered the game for our province to please set up a workshop so we can be taught how to play the game, but he won’t be coming for months! Would you be willing to teach us instead, and lead the workshop?” I said that I’d love to, and would see them Friday afternoon and teach them all how to play it!” Friday afternoon was cold, windy, and pouring rain. Miserable. But inside, as the workshop was underway, side-splitting laughter, tears of delight, and the occasional whoop of triumph were heard. Everyone was picking up the game quickly, and we had a great time. I’m pretty sure the Lord worked it out just Read the full article…
Clothing for Many, Relief After Devastating Fire
We gathered over 120 needy individuals – both adults and children – in a small local church hall; and then invited each one to come browse the boxes of clothes, as a sort of free “shop.” Men, women, and children were all able to pick out items, and if they fit, take them home! From tops, pants, socks, jackets, blankets, baby clothes, curtains, handbags, and more, all went away with several items, and many grateful tears were shed. We also set out pairs of donated shoes, which were divided to the most needy. Shockingly, we found out that just the night before, a fire had completely destroyed several shacks, affecting seven individuals. These poor families had literally lost all their belongings except the clothes on their backs. Thankfully, we were able to go quickly back to base and load up a gas stove, pots & pans, blankets, furniture, and other needed household items for them. It was a real example of the Lord’s perfect timing, as if we hadn’t been there that day, we may never even have heard about these poor ones’ plight. All in all, this event was a great blessing to so many, and we are so so thankful for all of you who make the continued ministry possible!
Supporting a Community Cottage Industry
A Paarl company donated large bags of leather off-cuts for use in a startup community project which makes clothing, blankets, etc, and would like to start doing crafts, earrings, and more as a method of sustainable income for the local ladies. The ladies showed us around their container workshop, proudly exhibiting what they’ve done so far, and received the leather with great excitement!
Hermanus Whale Festival Outreach
Thank you so so much for your prayers and support towards the outreach in Hermanus over the Whale Festival; it was truly felt! Although the cottage of our friend wasn’t available for us to stay at this year, we found a lovely campsite nearby where we pitched our two tents. The weather was perfect – warm and breezy. Great for camping. Thousands of people visited the festival and we were able to interact with people from far and wide. During our time there 69 decisions were made for Christ, and over 4000 Gospel tracts, Who Cares booklets, Bibles, and Gospels of John distributed! Praise God, and thank YOU! God’s Love transforms hearts and lives, and we know the ripple effects of this outreach will go on and on!