University Outreach!

Seven of us went to UWC campus on Friday to reach out to the youth. Wonderfully, 11 individuals accepted Jesus as their Saviour, and we were able to pray for dozens more – for a variety of requests.

Women’s Day 2017!

For Women’s Day we wanted to show love and appreciation to women in the ways they like best. We thought of three things; give something beautiful, eat something yummy, and do something fun! So, in addition to fresh food, we gave a lovely handbag to each of the woman in an informal settlement & brought some delicious treats & watched a fun movie with the residents of a centre for women in crisis. So here’s to all women! Never forget the important part you have in shaping the future. Happy Women’s Day! (note: some faces blurred to protect privacy)  

Clothing Parcels for Mommies & Babies

After many days of sewing blankets and towels, sorting baby clothes, and packing nappies, we were able to surprise underprivileged mothers and their babies at different government clinics with a special gift parcel. By seeing the different reactions, we realized that these clothes & blankets are especially welcomed for the little ones, who are sadly already at a disadvantage as their life begins. The happy smiles and grateful “thank yous” we received warmed our hearts, and made us in turn so glad for YOU who make it possible! God bless you!  

Testimonies! – Grahamstown Arts Festival Outreach 2017

(See HERE for stats and pictures from the outreach.) Following are testimonies from our team – Mike, Chris, Lisa, and Amy. Thank you again for your prayers and support; making all this possible! I passed by a house with an outside stoep (patio) and there were two young men sitting on the floor. I almost passed them by, but felt strongly I must speak with them, so I turned around, stepped up onto the stoep, and asked if I could sit with them. We got into the most interesting covnersation; they both are self-admitting “searchers” and aren’t sure what to do or believe. I shared with them what Jesus has done in my life, and we spoke about the reality of the Love of Christ, as well as the Power of God to give us joy and purpose. As the conversation was winding down, I felt the Lord tell me “pray for them!” I mentally protested, “But Lord, they might not want me too, and it will be awkward!” Nevertheless, I couldn’t fight the feeling, so I said “look, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but may I please pray for you?” After a quick exchange of glances, they said, “okay, sure.” I prayed for the Lord to reveal Himself to them, that they might KNOW He’s real. Also for their safety and to be open to finding the answers they are searching for. After the prayer, the quieter of the two said “thank you Chris, that’s really good of you!” Then the other said “can I ask you something really bluntly? When you walked by, why did you come talk to us? Were we just the first people you saw, or did you feel you should come specifically to us? I told them actually I had felt that Read the full article…

Grahamstown Festival Outreach 2017; Stats and Pictures

Thank you all so so much for your prayers and support towards the Grahamstown Arts Festival outreach this year! It was extremely blessed and we really felt the backing of your prayers and flow of the Holy Spirit all throughout! Some of the stats: 251 Activated magazines and 115 Gospel of John booklets given out (to lay a Biblical, inspiring foundation of faith) 4 Bibles given to those who had none 2 Who Cares books given to encourage young people 13 400 Tracts distributed 176 individuals accepted Jesus & His Salvation into their lives! 154 people prayed for on the spot (for a variety of requests) Hallelujah! Thank you again for making this possible! Enjoy the pictures and stay tuned for testimonies coming soon!