Zoe(7), and Emma (3) paid a surprise visit to the elderly. They came to spend some time with each one and to bring special gifts to remind them that they are loved and treasured, and not forgotten. Spending some time visiting was a treat for the children as well; they got to hear stories, receive some good advice, and even shared in some delicious fruit! The children went there to be a blessing, and came back home having been blessed in return.
Author: Helping Hand
Sunday School Continues in 2017!
Starting beginning of 2016, we’ve been blessed to be able to meet with these dear children on Sunday mornings; teaching them about Jesus, His great eternal love, and the message of hope in Salvation. The Bible stories, colouring pages, “inspiration” time songs, and energetic games always leave them smiling and excited for the next time, hallelujah! Please continue to pray and support towards this project – these little children are our nation’s future, and each one is precious to our Lord.
Red Hill Marathon
Mike and Frank participated in the Red Hill Marathon, with great success! Completing it in just over 4 hrs, and praising God for the ability to “run the race with patience”, they had an awesome time! We are all very proud of them! (Hebrews 12:1-2) Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Help Comes Just in Time
The following is a note from J – a dear social worker who works here in Cape Town to assist needy children and families. She especially focuses on providing food for schoolchildren’s lunches, so they can concentrate in class. It is so sad to hear of these situations, but also so beautiful to hear how God’s timing is perfect and His Care is for each and every person, right when they need it. Here is the letter. Dear Ones, just want to give you some feedback on the foodstuffs you donated. Two ladies burst out crying when we delivered the bigger parcels. One is a single mom and the other a friend staying with her. They had no food,absolutely nothing. God just knows. He is always on time. As we gave out food to the children, we spoke to them about their importance to God,how to put Him first. Many children,sadly so,failed their exams, one of the reasons being that they are subjected to domestic violence. We have a lot of work to do. Please continue to pray with us. I praise God for sending His Son to guide us. Thanks again. Blessings to you all at Helping Hand. Praise God for your obedience to Him. Praying for you. -J
Weekly Fellowship!
We spent time together celebrating all the Lord did in 2016, as well as praising, praying, and singing in anticipation of the blessings in 2017!
Good Tidings of Great Joy, to All People! (Luke 2:10)
On Christmas day we opened our home to those who had no-one with whom to share this special day. As the homeless sat at the table prepared for them we, once again, explained the reason we celebrate Christmas. Each one humbly bowed their head in prayer and there were some tears as we listened to Christmas Carols during the meal. We were able to send each of them off with a bag full of food and other items as their Christmas present from the Lord. Also on Christmas day we went to the Police and Fire stations with an especially prepared Christmas dinner and gifts and snacks in appreciation for them working during Christmas.
Christmas Eve at Children’s Convalescent Hospital
What a privilege to spend some time with the little patients of the Sarah Fox Convalescent Hospital. The faces of these little ones just lit up when we brought them presents and treats. The staff members of the hospital allowed us extra time with each patient sorry we could talk and play with them after they opened their gifts. Bringing a little Christmas cheer into the wards was both humbling and rewarding for us. We also left gifts for each of the faithful staff members who would be caring for the little patients over the Christmas period. (Note: faces blurred to protect privacy)